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The phrases or the last thing they said did/said in completed books

Title: The tremendous life of Kuroko tetsuya

Author: kurenohikari

Akashi pov:
I then kneeled before him and took out my mother's engagement ring

"Tetsuya the love of my life and my dear husband, I've already proposed to you once and we are already married. But i confess i did all wrong of this wrong. It was all too fast and not grand enough, which you deserve. So let me right my wrong. I love you and I love my life with you, i cannot imagine a life without you by my side. I do not want to. So will you make me the honor of being my husband?" I asked, this time i did not demand it.

"I would love to" he replied, crying happy tears

(I didn't put any more details cuz u have to read it for yourself ;D )
(I didn't put the part where they make out-)

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