Sam wilson

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You had had a busy time with school lately so when Sam realised that you were being a little distant, he thought nothing of it, thinking it was you wanting to focus on your work. You ended up getting home from school and you brought your things downstairs and tried to get some work down so you could have some downtime after everything. You ended up getting up and made a snack and drink for yourself. Sam ended up looking at the work you were doing trying to see if he could help or anything. When he was there he saw your phone go off a few times but tried to ignore it to keep your privacy. After a few more times he looked at it and saw the messages. He felt regret for reading them but also glad that he actually did. He ended up sitting down and waited for you getting back. When you did you jumped a little not realising he was waiting for you)

You: I thought you were busy with work, you scared me
Sam: can you talk to me
You: I mean I've got some work to do but I mean sure
Sam: what's been going on with school?
You: well... I mean a lot of work and I'm trying to keep on top of it
Sam: I think you know that's what I mean
You: what?

(Sam ended up picking up your phone and you saw the messages and tried to take you phone back but he stopped you. You put the things down and just took a deep breathe, sitting with him. He asked you about what happened and and you finally told him about being bullied at school and how much you tried to just stop caring)

Sam: why didn't you tell me what was going on?
You: because no one cares
Sam: what do you mean?
You: nobody cares, no matter who I tell they don't do anything
Sam: you told people at school, a teacher? The principal?
You: yeah, and they didn't do anything
Sam: I'll deal with that. But you should know you can tell me and I'm not going to judge you or anything

(He tried to make you realise that you can tell him anything. He said he'd had a conversation with the school and make sure something was done about the bullying. He told you to finish what tou were doing before and to come and find him afterwards. Later on you ended up going out to see a movie you've been wanting to see for a while and he made sure you updated me on anything that happened with those students)

You: thank you for helping me
Sam: you should know I always will, you don't need to thank me for anything, It's my job
You: still, thank you

Yn being bullied and not telling themWhere stories live. Discover now