Steve Rogers

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You had been bullied for weeks now and you ended up having the worst day of all today. At lunch they ended up pouring things all over you and you wanted to say something but worried it would only make things worse. You ended up just being laughed at and Peter saw you from across the room, coming to you)

Peter: are you okay?
You: does it look like I'm okay?! *tearing up*
Peter gave you his jacket: come on, I'll get you out of here
You: I'm going home

(Peter couldn't disagree with you and ended up leaving with you. He got you back to the tower and you dropped your bag and rushed upstairs going past Steve. He saw what was over you and he was about to go after you until he saw Peter)

Steve: what happened!
Peter: there was an incident at lunch
Steve: so that's what happened, who did this stuff?
Peter: it was the same people who've been bullying yn for a while now
Steve: they're being bullied?
Peter: oh they didn't tell you
Steve: Parker
Peter: I've got to go, I've said too much already

( Peter left before he could say anything and steve ended up going straight up to your room. He saw tour door closed and soon realised that tou had actually locked it. He sighed and knocked gently on the door trying to get your attention)

Steve: sweetheart? Can I come in?
You: leave me alone!
Steve: come on, please talk to me
You: I don't want to talk

(Steve heard in your voice that you were crying and felt bad. He ended up just talking to you thought the door and waited for you to want to open the door to him. Within 10 minutes he heard the lock come undone and saw you now changed and hair wet)

Steve: hey sweetheart
You hugged him: I'm sorry dad
Steve hugged you rubbing your back: it's not your fault sweetheart, don't be sorry
You: I just want it to stop
Steve: what happened?

(You brought him into you room and you both sat on your bed talking for a little while. He felt bad that that all happened and promised to call the school and get something sorted. For the rest of the day you just tried to have some quality time together. Steve made some food and you picked a good movie to watch together. Later on in the day you both went on a walk and got ice cream from your favourite place)

You: thank you for making this day better
Steve: you should know tou can tell me anything
You smiled: thanks dad

Yn being bullied and not telling themWhere stories live. Discover now