Thor Odinson

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Lately Thor had realised that you had been acting off recently and was getting a little worried about you but tried not to worry too much. You were good with keeping up your education and were doing well with projects ect... when you came back he realised you seemed less talkative than usual. You ended up going to your room for a while and Thor tried to ask frigga if she had realised anything off with you. While they were talking Thor felt arms wrap around his back and he was just able to see it was you)

Thor: wha- hey what's wrong?
You: I'm sorry dad
Thor turned around and hugged you back realising that you were crying: hey don't be apologising, what happened?
Frigga: I'll leave you be

(Thor talked to you and you both ended up going somewhere more private so you could talk away from anyone possibly hearing. You told him everything that happened and he felt bad for you)

Thor: why didn't you tell me?
You: it's disappointing to you, I didn't want to tell you
Thor: you should know I would be there for you
You: I know I just-
Thor: hey, you're my child, I will always be there for you no matter what
You: thank you dad

(He got things dealt with and made sure that you always told him if anything happened. You were worried things would get worse but you ended up being okay when you went back)

Thor: how about just go and have some fun
You: yeah sounds good to me
Thor: come on then, what do you fancy doing?

(He ended up Having a lot of fun with you and was happy to see you being yourself again. The fact he was able to hear you laughing again made him happy and he was enjoying the time with you. Frigga ended up passing you both and smiled seeing you both so happy)

Yn being bullied and not telling themUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum