"Yeah, it's insanely fun, it can be hard work sometimes but it depends on how into it you are." Nash explains.

"Ahh I see." I say.

"You should make one." Nash says.

"Why me?" I ask while giggling.

"Because you're beautiful and insanely funny it's like the perfect match." Nash says.

"I don't know the first thing about making videos." I tell him as he pulls into the parking lot, and takes a parking spot.

"I'll help you. We can get stuff while we're here to make a video for your page and we can set it up later tonight." Nash says getting excited.

"If you help me, then I guess." I say while cracking a smile not being able to help the excitement building up inside of me.

Nash and I get out of the car, and walk into the store immediately going for the items we need so we can get in and get out before anybody notices us.

"What are we gonna do for my video?" I ask Nash while grabbing four pies.

"Ugh we can do the makeup challenge?" He suggest.

"It's pretty simple, and it'll be a good video for your first one, it's funny, but not too extreme." He adds on.

"Okay, I have makeup at the house we can use." I tell him before we go to the check out line.

"Your total will be thirty twenty five." The cashier says not even bothering to look at us.

"Here you go." Nash says handing her the exact change.

I follow Nash out of the store and back to the car so we can leave.

The car ride is filled with singing Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber songs because ironically those are the only two CDs Nash has in his car.

"We're home!" Nash yells waiting for a response that's never returned.

"Guess we're the only ones here." I say before helping Nash bring all of the equipment and pies outside to the backyard.

"Let's start, do you have your questions ready?" Nash asks.

"Are they gonna be general random questions?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He laughs.

"Okay then we're good let's go." I yell excitedly.

Nash turns on the camera before coming and sitting next to me on a brick wall that surrounds the pool.

"Aye everybody it's Nash, and for this weeks video I have my amazing best friend here with me, also known as Brooke." Nash says while pointing towards me and causing me to laugh and wave at the camera.

"So anyways this week we are going to do the pie challenge and that's basically where we ask each other random questions and if you get it wrong you get a pie thrown in your face!" Nash says while making a weird face.

"So shall we begin?" Nash says while turning towards me.

"We shall." I say and wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

"Alright I'll go first and then you can go." Nash says.

"Sounds good man." I say.

"Alright first question, who is my celebrity crush?" Nash asks.

"Well considering you only have Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande CDs in your car I'm gonna say one of them." I say while laughing.

"Hey you're not supposed to tell anyone that! Just for that I'm gonna do it!" Nash says picking up a pie and pushing it in my face.

Young and RecklessWhere stories live. Discover now