1: Then back home to Seattle

Começar do início

"Okay. ONLY because I have nothing else to do" I sighed, defeated.

I hate meeting new people.

"Fantastic! Now let's go!" She yelled while dragging me out of my apartment and down the stairs.

"Woah calm down! Why are we running?" I yelled to her so she could hear me.

"Because I wanna see Chris! Duh!" She laughed.

That made her run even faster, lucky for her, my anger management paid off. You're looking at a gold medalist in school running events. I was told to focus my anger into sports as a child, so I sprinted past her and blew raspberries at her.

"Hey get back here you dog!" She grabbed my arm, pulling me back to her slow speed.

"God you're slow!" I snickered at her as we arrived at her flat. She stood on the front lawn and tried to contain her panting.

"Hah, you really are a dog" I joked. "We didn't even run that far"

She smiled at me and put her arm around my shoulder as we walked to the front door. Laura gestured for me to knock on the door, so I did. I nearly broke the door down.

Hey? It's called first impressions? I'm not going to be known as a soft loser who lets everyone walk over her. We all have to start somewhere.

"Hold onnnnn!!" A distorted voice came from inside the building.

The door opens, and a slender man with brown, dark hair and big, bulging eyes, opens the door for us.

"Oh, hey Laurie. We were just jamming, good to see you" He said and pulled her in for a hug.

"Wait, so you're Chris? I thought my sister had better taste" I snickered.

The man was taken aback and looked at me funnily, "Chris? My name is Stone, you lunatic. Chris is inside. Also might I ask who you are?"

"Don't mind her," Laura whispered to him and covered her face in embarrassment.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow, "I'm Laura's sister, Annahlise, and sadly you'll be seeing a lot of me. And who names their kid Stone anyway? That's the dumbest name I've ever heard,"

"Ohhh, this is the infamous Annahlise. You should've said something Laura. I would've come to the door in head gear" He groaned.

I poked my tongue at him and he started cackling.

"Oh you're gonna be real fun, Annie. And put that tongue away!" He snickered and gestured us to come inside.

I followed behind Laura as we walked through the house, and closer to the loud guitar noises.

"Hey Chris, someone's here to see you. And someone else too, straight from the fiery pits of hell." Stone said as he walked through the door and pointed to Laura and I.

"Laurie You're here!" A man with Curly, dark, long hair and a clean shaven face called out.

He put his guitar down and held out his arms as Laura and ran into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"Umm so... Do you like live here?" I tried to make the moment less awkward and whispered to Stone beside me. I was used to third wheeling, but somehow this felt a lot different, and lot more awkward.

"No? I was going to move in after Andy died but Laura beat my scrawny ass to it" He muttered.

I pursed my lips and slowly nodded, wait who the hell is Andy?

"Who's that?" I whispered back while Laura and Chris were still having their little moment.

His face went glum in a span of 3 seconds.

"He was one of our really good friends, but he passed earlier this year" He spat out, while trying not to tear up.

Oh right... Laura had mentioned him a couple of times actually. I wish I met him, he seemed cool.

"Oh... Sorry" I patted his shoulder. I'm not very good at comforting people, but I am immensely good at making people UNcomfortable.

"Come over here Annie!" Laura yelled across the room to us.

Stone yanked my arm and dragged me over to them.

"Hi Annie, nice to meet you" He said while his arm was over Laura's shoulder, "I hope I'm an upgrade from lil Stoney over there" He raised his brow and looked over at Stone, who was playfully flipping him off.

He definitely was an upgrade from Stone, he was very handsome and I could definitely see what Laura was going on about. I would totally go out with him if Laura hadn't snatched him up prior.

"Hmm, I guess you are," I said while looking him up and down.

"Laurie says you play? Are you any good?" He said while pointing to his guitar.

"I mean, I wouldn't say I'm Jimi Hendrix level, yet. But I can play a mean Stairway to Heaven" I shot him a smug look.

"Well, that's good. We might need a guitar player in the future, especially if Stoney can't keep up" He whispered.

"I heard that!" Stone grumbled, but he knew he was only kidding.

"Hey, why don't you come to our new year's party? We are hosting this year! It's good to have new people!" Laura turned to Chris for reassurance.

"Oh right! You definitely should! Last year's New Year's party was so fun. The parts I can actually remember anyway" Chris reminisced.

Before I was able to give my answer, which was maybe another time, Stone answered for me.

"Of course she will!"

I shot him a No I won't! look, but the decision was made.

"Great!" Chris beamed.

"Ooh! I can't wait to see my new bestest friend in the whole wide world there!" Stone swung his arm around my shoulder.

I frowned, "Be careful. You might knock someone's socks off with that enthusiasm"

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. Except the Stone part. That was bad.

She was my girl [jerry cantrell x fem oc]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora