1: Then back home to Seattle

411 12 7

September 27th, 1990
Seattle, WA

"Phew, last box. I think" Laura huffed as she firmly placed the box on the newly painted wood floor. We still had like, seven left, but I didn't want to ruin the moment.

I gave her a playful, but evil stare, "I'm the one who carried the majority in here, don't know why you're complaining Laura"

She laughed and shook her head, "Oh come on, enough of the complaining, look at this place! It might be small, but it's so beautiful. I can't believe you're going to live here."

I looked down at my feet and smiled, "I guess, but I am a little scared. I know we always used to come here for holidays and shit, but I've never really warmed to the idea of living here. It's way busier and bigger than Olympia,"

She smiled and grabbed my hand, "Hey, I'll be right here with you the whole time. It's great here! The music is great, the people are great, the coffee is great and I can't wait for you to meet my friends!"

I've always been slightly disheartened by the word 'friend' and Laura must've picked up on it as my face grew glum.

"Hey.." She put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me, "They're nothing like those stupid girls in Olympia.. Okay, they are bit stupid, but it's a different kind of stupid"

I smiled at her as she brought me in for a hug, which was very abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Great timing.." I muttered to myself as Laura got up and opened the front door.

"Finney! You've made it in one piece!" Laura exclaimed from the front of my apartment.

I quickly got up and ran to see Finney, as I've barely seen her for the past couple years, due to... Well... Going in and out of rehab isn't the best for family life, if I do say so myself.

Finney was always the pretty child, she had a beautiful face structure, beautiful hair and a slim body. She was the boy magnet. Growing up, I was always jealous of her, but now, I've learnt to live with the fact that I will die ugly and alone.

"Hey Annie, It's been a while" She smiled warmly and hugged me.

I hugged her tightly, and buried my face in her long black hair.

"You know, you should move to Seattle too. Apparently the music scene is great, so it's good for your band. And you'll be closer to Laura and I" I said with a tone of sarcasm, but I was secretly hoping she would consider it.

"I would, but I'm not really ready for the big town life, and Kurt's band is starting to gain traction in Olympia, so we probably shouldn't mess with that. Speaking of bands, I have to go collect instruments, and then go back to Olympia" She sighed, "I'm so sorry Annie, I'm planning on stopping on the way home to check up on you, okay?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, "Okay... Well bye I guess.." I mumbled.

She smiled sadly at Laura and I, then waved and walked away.

I tried to contain my watery eyes to not let Laura worry about me, but she noticed anyway because that's just how she is.

"Hey, I know how to cheer you up.." She hugged me from behind and giggled slightly.

I took yet another deep breath in and out, "What Laura? Last time you said that you tackled me and then I broke your arm, for the second time"

"You should come and meet Chris, our flat is just down the road from you" She said.

"Ohh, so that's why you picked this place for me! Boy you are so smart aren't you?" I groaned.

She put her hands together and fluttered her lashes at me, "Yeah... Now can we go please?"

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