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On the other end of the spectrum, Six was rather relaxed actually. Once Mono left the infirmary and the medicine was slowly administered, she could feel her tension melting away. Because of how loopy she felt, she had no issue making conversation with the nurse, who had been treating her with nothing but kindness this whole time. "Hey, Miss Julie, do you have kids...?" Her voice was mellow and quiet, contradicting her usual headstrong and dramatic nature.

The woman seemed to have untold trauma based on the sadness behind her eyes upon hearing the question, but regardless, she smiled at Six, pulling the chair over to the bed and sitting down. "I can't have kids... It's unfortunate, but there's no use doting on it. I have always wanted a daughter, however, since I can make a lot of women's clothing." She answered Six with a slightly shaky voice at first, though she recovered after mentioning her hobby.

Six sighed out in a moment of reflection, but despite her coherent thoughts, something unintended slipped out of her mouth. "I've always wanted a mom." She morbidly replied, though she wasn't even aware of her words in this drunken-like state.

Julie frowned at Six's casual mentioning of this, wondering if she had become desensitized due to the opiate effects or due to her own repression of her feelings. "Well, I could make you a brand new, clean outfit if you would like... I just need to know what colors, and what style you prefer." She offered this with a loving glint in her eyes, then reaching over and removing the extremely small tube that had administered the small dose of morphine slowly over a five-minute period.

"I like yellow; that's my favorite. And I guess orange and red. That's pretty much it. I don't really care what style, as long as it's warm and dry." The little girl wasted no time getting her preferences out in the open, mostly since she had another question on the tip of her tongue. "So, where are you from? Why the boat? How long are we going to be traveling?"

"Woah there, slow down. One thing at a time, yes. I come from The Pale City; we all do. You see, something horrible happened, and the city started to fall apart rapidly. Needless to say, we formed a group of survivors and escaped together on this boat." The woman explained her journey as best as she could, but her story only piqued Six's interest more. Thankfully, she kept going: "We were on the ocean for about a week, and then we took refuge on an island far away from there. We recently got news that things are returning to normal, so we were headed back that way when we stumbled across the submarine. It will most likely be a few days before we're home." She delivered this information purposefully, to Six's discontent, of course; she just wanted to stay somewhere, and stop running. She was tired of running.

"My friend, Mono...he saved that city. He has special powers. He's really amazing, and tries to keep all of us safe no matter what." Although it was slightly off-topic, she could no longer think straight, and she could feel herself dozing off. She was thankful when Julie propped her upright on the bed—it was much easier to breathe this way. "I'm so sleepy..."

Julie watched over Six with a loving, motherly gaze as she drifted off into the dreamworld, having been so engrossed every time she spoke even the slightest. Now that the girl was resting, she had time to make the outfit for her.


A few hours later, Six woke up to a chill disturbing her peace, and she realized she was in sheer bloomers, and she also realized she was kind of numb, which was way better than being in severe pain. She didn't see Julie, and she was way too weak to be moving around, so she eventually let her eyes close again.

This time around, it was only about an hour that she slept, and she woke up because of a noise in the room, which was Julie opening the door and sitting back in the chair next to her. "Good morning, darling. Well, I suppose it's technically evening." She corrected herself gingerly, pulling out a vibrant warm-colored clothing item. It looked pretty bulky, but very cute and elegant. "I made a kimono and sash for you, so that you feel more at-home." She presented it to Six proudly, and she was immediately put off by how girly it was.

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