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After Six left the house, Mono tried to think of ways to distract himself, playing with the Nome to calm it down, and even trying to rest more. But it proved very difficult when she wasn't with him.
     Fifteen minutes passed; he started to get worried, but figured she was just blowing off steam, so he didn't do anything. After the second fifteen minutes passed, he became restless and went to go find her. He stood up carefully and slipped his coat on, then rushing to the kitchen and out through the window. It wasn't storming anymore but still raining pretty hard. He surveyed the surrounding wooded area and couldn't see any sign of Six, however he did find a bowl on the ground that was full of water and overflowing.
     He went a bit far from the house looking for her, but in the end he couldn't find anything. It was when he was on his way back to the house that he heard distant groaning, and he realized a tree had collapsed nearby. When he approached, he could see Six stuck underneath one of the large branches, but thankfully it didn't look big enough to kill her. Still, though, he wasn't thinking straight and assumed the worst, which caused him to impulsively use his powers to give the tree a violent shove a good 30 feet through the air. For some reason, he didn't feel weak this time, but he was panting pretty heavily.
In a slight panic, he knelt next to Six and examined her legs, eventually feeling relieved that there were no scars or bruises from the impact. He went to help her up, but she suddenly lifted herself, arms trembling likely from her leftover fear. "What happened out here? You had me worried sick." He asked incredulously, and she stared into his eyes shamefully, with that same shy expression as usual.

"I...wanted to collect water for you to drink. While I waited, I came over here because...I saw pretty flowers and thought you would like them. And then lightning struck the tree. I'm not hurt that bad, just still in shock." Six seemed hesitant in telling the whole truth, but she knew by now that Mono could read her all too well. There was no point in lying to someone like him.

With a sigh, feeling slightly embarrassed at her honesty, Mono stood up with Six holding onto his arm, taking her as quickly as possible to the porch so the rain didn't soak her anymore than she already was. Afterwards, he grabbed the bowl of water from the ground and carried it to the front door, which he then accidentally blew open with his powers (he was unsure why he felt so powerful, but he had a bright assumption that it was because of his heightened emotions, such as love, fear, anger, etc.). After he had forced the door open, he looked down at his hands in astonishment, closing them into fists to get a feel of the tingling sensation.

Six stared at him cautiously, having backed away since she was presumably nervous about him going overboard. "Um..." She muttered, but words evaded her no matter how much she tried to make sense of her thoughts. Mono glanced at her and made her feel weird...somewhat intimidated by his changes. "Thanks for helping me..." She finally spoke coherently, walking inside the house through the now-open door.

Mono followed behind her after picking the bowl back up and handed it over to Six so he could push the door closed. When he turned back around to face her, she was frowning. It was a look he'd never seen from her, so he couldn't place the emotion. "Is something wrong?" He asked, oblivious to her concerns since he had proven thus far to be lacking in self-awareness.

"" The girl stammered, averting her gaze momentarily before walking closer to him and cupping his cheek with her hand, the other arm skillfully holding the heavy bowl up. "I just thought you looked pretty cool. And're kind of glitching." After she explained her reaction, although he was infatuated by her affection, he was more focused on her fixation with his...issue.

     "Oh. Sorry about that. Wait, did you say I looked cool?" He replied eagerly, having his priorities mixed up because of how happy he was. He didn't know why, but he felt all warm and fuzzy from hearing her compliment, and her hand was really soft as always. "I didn't get tired that time. I think I must be getting used to these powers."

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