Update (recap of the rest of the story)

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Hey everyoneeee!! I'm still alive just busy with the THOUSANDS OF MATH TESTS and another fixation, but I just wanted to let you all know I do not know if I'll ever continue this fic

But you know I'll never leave you guys on a cliffhanger forever so I'll just share what happens (or what I planned) in the fic
It's just quick recaps but take it or leave it

(🚨Warning for terrible punctuation I'm currently on the verge of sleeping🚨)

Iruma and asmodeus went to the beach and iruma was on about how cool it would be to find an actual message in a bottle. Asmodeus already planned this and already had one somewhere in the beach. They end up finding it and it says "will you be my valentine?"

Iruma obviously says yes and they just spend with together the rest of the day.
Chapter ends with asmodeus noticing the letter was in a different handwriting but didn't care since it still got the job done!

(Lied and purson took it for funsies and just replaced it instead of putting it back)

Next two chapters was just iruazz (by now they both got a thing for eachother)

But a chapter after that angst. Iruma starts dropping hints that he likes someone and is OBVIOUSLY talking about asmodeus but he doesn't get the hint and gets all distant

(I used to do that) iruma finally just blurts it out one day during his many attempts to talk to asmodeus. More talking and actual COMMUNICATION and they date

Do whatever you want with that cuz I have more tests coming up
Love y'all

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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