Chapter 1: Asta and Yuno.

Start from the beginning

"Asta, are you ok?" Miki asked, the worry still evident in her voice.

Miki has always seen Asta as a little brother, and she is always worried and cares for him, she's like a second sister here.

But then, a clapping sound was heard and Miki saw Rekka, Nash and the other orphan kids walking in their direction.

"Well done, sister Lily." Rekka cheered.

"No mercy whatsoever." added Nash

"It-it just happened." Sister Lily replied, still sounding guilty for her action.

"I'm not giving up yet!!!" Suddenly, Asta shouted as he jumped towards sister Lily.

"Wait! Asta!" Miki cried, trying to reach out to him.

But before he could land, Yuno had use his wind power to knock Asta back down.

"Ah! Asta, Asta!" Miki continued to cry out. "Are you ok?"

"How many times does she have to dump you for you to give up, Asta?" Nash asked.

Asta then ran up to Yuno with an angry look on his face and said.

"Why do you have to get in my way too, Yuno?!"

The dark hair male made a thinking pose before saying:

"Why? Because you're loud, short, obnoxious, immature. Basically, you're not appealing to women in any way."

Each of Yuno's words is like an arrow stabbing into Asta's ego, hurting him.

"Hey! Is that something you say to someone that you've grown up with for the past 15 years, you handsome jerk." Asta yelled.

Miki, who doesn't want any more conflict to happen, decided to step in.

"Yuno, that's not completely true, you know?" Miki softly said as she patted Asta's head to comfort him. "Asta can be funny, kind and he has a determination level that even I can't have."

"Miki-san..." Asta said with tears in his eyes. "You're the only one who supports me!!!"

Asta said as he jumped to hug the taller female, which she kindly hugs him back.

"Well...I can't say that I support you in marrying a nun..." Miki chuckled worryingly.

Yuno, who sees this, can't help but feel a little jealous. Miki always doted on Asta the most out of all the kids because he always caused troubles that Miki had to fix, so the female basically followed him to make sure he stays out of trouble. As for Yuno, Miki used to treat him the same because he's been a crybaby but after the incident, Yuno feels like she cared about him less and less, even though a more logical side of his brain said otherwise.

"Asta, sister Lily is a woman of cloth so she can't get married, and you're only 15, so you also can't get married." Yuno explained.

"Yuno..." Asta gritted his teeth, feeling like he just got challenged. "I challenge you to a battle!"

Miki jolted.

"Wait a minute Asta." She tried to confront him, not wanting him to get hurt because she knows he's going to lose anyway and she doesn't want to spend the next hour patching him up.

"I decline." Yuno said, making Miki sigh in relief.


"Because it's a waste of time."

"What did you say?!"

"Give it up Asta, you're not going to win against Yuno anyway." Nash saids.

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