Miki may be a child, but she's smart, she is aware that her family is in danger. Her family thought that they were good at keeping secrets from her, but she knows, and even though she didn't want to believe it, she knew there is a chance that her family...may not come back to her anymore.

"Don't be like that, Miki." She thought as she shook her head. "Your family will come back for you...right?"

The ginger girl sighs, it's almost midnight, "might as well go in and have a good night sleep, and maybe either mom and dad will come and pick me up."

Unfortunately, her nightmare came true, on the night that Miki was dropped at Hage, a group of people with dark clothes broke in and attacked the Esther mansion, Miki's mom tried to stop them when she got back, but their magic is something she had never seen before. It was sinister and dark, like the devil was on their side, and everything ended with the fall of the Esther family.

After the fall of the Esther family, Miki's disappearance became a big mystery. Is she dead? Did the people that attack the mansion take her away? Is she still alive now? Rumors began to spread as everyone mourned the fall of the Esther family, everything went on like this without the little girl knowing anything...almost.

Miki stayed in her house at Hage for a week, she know where the food is place, where the money is place and she could take care of herself so she lived pretty comfortably, but after the second week roll by and no sign of her parents coming to get her, she broke down, this means that her predictions are true, something did happen to them, and now she could only count on him to get her. But she isn't buying any chances that he'll get her soon, she needs to be strong, for her fallen family, for herself, so after her little break down, she got herself back up and went out for the first time in 2 weeks, and Miki knew what to do next.


When her family is still with her, they meet a lovely church that is also an orphanage for kids with no home. The people there were really kind so Miki knew they were trustworthy. She knocked on the front door and a nun, with blue hair and eyes came out to greet her:

"Ah! Miki-chan, when did you come here?" The nun asked.

Miki stays silent, thinking of a way to explain the situation to her.

The nun, whose name is Lily, noticed the girl's silence so she let her in and sat her down so she could talk.

"Wait for me, I need to call father Orsi." Sister Lily said.

Miki nods.

Sister Lily looks at Miki worryingly, the little girl looks...distress and has a tint of sadness in it, she just hopes that Miki is ok.

When father Orsi came, he greeted Miki with happiness but then he asked:

"Where are your parents, Miki, aren't they always with you?"

The question made the girl flinch, both adults notice this and they know that something is wrong.

Miki told them that her mom had left her at their house and had promised to come back for her, but 2 weeks had passed and she never came, she told them that how she thinks that something had gone wrong at their home, leading her family to bring her here for safety, she told everything without letting them know that she's a noble...or used to be one now. But before she could finish her story, sister Lily had pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh you poor child." she cried. "Everything will be alright."

"Yes, she's right." Father Orsi continued. "We're always happy to welcome you to the orphanage."

Constellation (a black clover fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя