Twin Demonic Dragons and Mektural Emperors

Depuis le début

[Yes. They are Summoning. REAL. MONSTERS AND SPIRITS.]


Mad Demon (4☆)

To everyone's shock, Yzel hadn't summoned his old Fairy and Fae monsters. Instead he summoned such creature

It was like a Shaman without a face had a Demonic infection and had a mouth in it's stomach as well as a SKULL in that mouth within it's stomach


The Demonic creature laughed as it begun to chew? Using it's stomach as it did so and the Skull within it was broken and it spat out many bone fragments

To everyone's horror the bones began to rip the poor hamster creature as it screamed in pain before dissapering

"Now now it's too early for you to be impressed by this such power! Mad Demon's effect activates! When it destroys a monster in defence position it deals piercing! Simply out it's attack points are dealt as damage to you but subtracted by your monster's defense!"

YzelYukkime-4000 LP
AlliyaMaywood-3000 LP

Some of the bone fragments pierced past the monster as it hit the spirt steed and Alliya as her life points dropped

Everyone who was watching jaw's dropped. The young master who couldn't even hurt someone was now such violent? And even unhinged?!

Questions rose and non could be answered

"Well how about that? Drawing first blood is always the best defense to hold oneself! You may have thought you woundt take any damage if your frail kretin was I defence but your wrong! A small tear in your defense will lead to a massive rip which will topple everything down! This is my Dueling! This will be my goal!"

"My turn... I summon the Tuner Monster: Fae Master!"

A human with overgrown wines appeared as It's stats popped near it

Fae Master (3☆)

"Her effect activates! I special summon 1 monster from the Grave! Appear! Ally Familiar!"

The monster re appeared again with a yelp as it still had wounds on it

"I tune level 3 Fae Master with level 2 Ally Familiar!"

The Plant like human turned into rings as the Ally Familiar became orb stars

Guardian of the forest. Take a stand now and destroy my enemy! SYNCHRO SUMMON! APPEAR! Fae Royal Knight!

Fae Royal Knight (5☆)

"Your confidence will be your undoing Yzel! GO! FAE ROYAL KNIGHT! DISPERSE THE DARKNESS!"

The fairy knight unsheathed it's sword as it flew towards the Demon, As it did so it suddenly turned blue as it held it's hands up


"My... Your desperate trying to damage me... Mad Demon's second effect activates! When it is attacked it switches to defence position and all battle damage I take this turn is halved. However since you have no monster than can Attack after or pierce i won't be taking damage little elf."

He said with a smile as he LAUGHED as well the creature as it let itself to be ripped into 2

"To not care when your own summoned creature is destroyed..."

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