Stay away

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I walk out the door after Clay held me back, made my way to my car and started driving. No, I do not like Sam at all, because she doesn't seem to have the best intentions for Clay, but he seems so happy with her I didn't want to ruin that happiness. He and his mother mean the world to me and I owe them everything one of the things I think I owe them is protection.

I'm an FBI agent with a gun, so I can provide them protection physically, but I also feel the need to give them emotional protection. So I pay attention to the things around me and them, trying to make sure everything is okay, and as soon as I was introduced to Sam by Clay telling me they were together it felt a bit odd, but I eventually pushed that feeling away.

My suspicions did come back when I noticed a sudden change in the situation. When Clay first introduced me to her, she was the one telling me not to tell Clay's mother about their relationship, and I was fine with that until the roles changed, and Clay was the one wanting the secret, and Sam almost begged for them to tell her.

She's rushing their relationship, but I don't know why.

A lot of people would say I'm dramatic, but I was trained to read people and see different changes in behaviour, but for his happiness, I just have to ignore it.

I finally made it to the Behavioural Analisis Unit (BAU) and quickly got inside, because I was running a bit late.

"Good morning, sorry I was late, there was a lot of traffic," I say sitting in my usual seat at the table. Present at the table was my team. Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, JJ (Jennifer Jareau), and Penelope Garcia.

"It's fine, Garcia, you may begin," Hotchner tells her.

"Okay great, so there have been murders happening in hospitals, specifically during surgeries," she states pointing to pictures on the screen.

"They would inject patients with high dosages of Adriamycin and leave them open on the operating table," pictures of five victims pop-up on the screen with their stomachs open.

"This happened in five different hospitals?" I ask.


"Were there any cameras that could have caught anything, or any traces of DNA?" Derek asks.

"We reviewed them and went over it with other nurses and surgeons, and it seems like no one was out of the ordinary to them," she answers.

"Okay, JJ, Reid, and Thomson, I want you guys to speak to the families, Morgan, Prentiss you're with me, Rossi, and Garcia I want you guys to go over any evidence, any questions?" no one answers."Okay, wheels up."

We all disperse from the building and get into different FBI-marked cars. JJ decides to take over the wheel while Spencer is in the passenger seat, and I'm in the back seat going over the files.

"Looks like the only thing that repeats itself is that all these victims had money that was safely deposited away," I state showing Reid the files.

"The unsub doesn't have a preference in anything regarding race or gender so that's ruled out, and it seems that two were on a transplant list for a kidney," Reid says.

"It's not possible for someone to have been killed chest left open and no one in the operating room notice," JJ says pulling up to the first victim's home. 

"That's because we're dealing with a team of unsub it has to be, one person can't get away with that," I state.

"My only question is how that surgery was performed, and no one can tell us who was in that operating room?" JJ mentions.

"It makes it seem like everyone at the hospital was in on it, could maybe putting the patients under anesthetics be some form of remorse so they aren't awake while they're being killed?" she asks.

"Well actually JJ, 30,000 have reported being AWAKE during their surgeries, the most common surgeries would be anything related to cancer, brain surgeries, and less commonly heart surgery, " Reid states.

His knowledge scares me sometimes, and the thought of anyone being AWAKE while they are being cut into horrified me.

I'm scared for Clay. I don't trust the doctor or team he chose to do his heart transplant, but we still have time. I still have time, to talk him into doing the surgery with an actual professional.

"Reid, you know I love you, but not in the mood for facts about people knowing they are about to die, and not physically being able to stop it," I tell him as politely as I can.

He knows about Clay, and I can tell that was the reason he understood. Everyone who is anyone knows that Clay needs a new heart, it's hard for that information to stay private knowing who his father is.


We walked up to the front door, and after some introductions, we entered their home.

JJ sat on the couch facing the family while Reid and I studied the room and the environment. I looked at a lot of the picture frames and what was included in them.

While JJ was explaining the situation I interrupted.

"Sorry for interrupting, but why is there only one photo of your son?" I asked.

"Before he died, we were... umm... in a disagreement with his life choices," the father mentions.

"He's putting it lightly. We were mad at him, for who he chose to marry," the mother answered.

"Is there any way we can contact his wife?" Reid asks.

"We tried, but she went completely off the grid," the father answers. Reid and I gave each other a look.

"What's her full name?" I ask.

"Penny, something. We knew nothing about her,"

"Thank you for your time, we'll keep in contact," JJ says as we head to the door.

We drive back to the BAU to discuss the information we received, and yet to know something horrible was going to happen in less than twenty-four hours.

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