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After the story Feather, and Oat got a good meal from their mom they went to sleep again, Soon feather was awakened be the heavy breathing of her mom. Startled she asked" mom are you okay" her mom look at her" can you get Ashnose..." immediately she jumped out of the nest and ran out of the nursery. The medicine-cat den where is that? She thought to herself, then she felt a cool breath in her ear. "Down young kit... down." On looking down she saw a branch that led down to a hole in the tree. She jumped  for the branch missing  just  that by a mouse-tail she Sank her front claws into the branch scrabbled at the branch with her hindfeet, suddenly she felt the presence again almost lifting her up onto the branch she regained her balance and continued  into the hole in the tree. Upon arriving there she realized  this was the part of the tree that was hollow she made her way down through the trunk .  To fine the a opening  lined with thorns . She scrambled her way to a big root that have brambles as a backwall that over a dip that dug into the eath some lined with medicine supplies. She saw Ashnose and hurried towards her. Ashnose noticing her looked over saying " My Feather what are you doing out of the nursery. Replying quickly she said "my mom she needs help please come quickly!!" Ashnose spun around and called to her Apprentice" Flame come to the nursery." And started to head to the nursery, then her father Tail ran up to them," Ashnose, Feather?" "Is Snow all right?" He said in a worried mew. "I'm not sure" Ashnose replied  Tail picked her up and ran to the nursery.  Apron arriving they saw that Pine was outside watching Oat, and her two kits. Ashnose, ash Tail hurried in, Feather trailed with Flame. As she walked in she heard Oat say " How come she get to go in?" Once inside she saw her mom sprawled out in the nest her flanks heaving up a down fastly. Ashnose put her paw on snows belly. Almost immediately she turned around and said to Flame " go get me some Borage, Thyme, Colts foot, and Burnet and make a pulp! Ashnose had to yell because Flame was already running. She turned towards Tail " go get a stick big enough to bite down on." Then she turn toward Feather.  " you should go wait outside."  As she padded out onto the tree limb. She saw Flame ran over, with a leaf wrap full of chewed up herbs.

I know you guy are going to hate me but... CLIFF-HANGER. *trooolololol*

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