Tate was about to go after Angel but was stopped by Moira. "You will have plenty of time to talk things out with her later. Right now we have to take care of these bodies. We already wasted enough time leaving them laying around."

"Right. Don't need someone finding them by peeking through one of the windows," Tate said before grabbing a hold of Patrick's body, dragging him to the basement.

"What on earth is going on in here? Even better question, why on earth is there a dead body in my house? We need to get rid of it before it starts decaying and stinking up the house," Nora said.

"No need to worry about it Nora. We're moving the bodies to the basement," Moira said.

"Lovely. Charles will have a field day with them," Nora said.

"I hope he does enjoy the gift that he has been given," Moira said as Tate came back up to grab a hold of Chad's body, pulling him down to the basement; arranging it to make it look like a murder suicide took place in the house.

"Oh, knowing Charles he will more than enjoy the gift. He will make good use of it. It not then I'm sure Thaddius will find something to do with it," Nora said before disappearing.

Nora found Angel in the attic playing with Beau. "I sense that you are upset dear. Would you like to talk about it?"

"What is there to talk about? Tate already did the most horrible thing that anyone can do. He went and took more innocent lives," Angel said before turning to look at Nora. "Why did he have to kill them? Both Patrick and Chad were looking to attract potential buyers for the house; that way they could make back a little bit of money that they put into the house."

"I know you're upset with what Tate had done. But there is no need to go and cry over the death of that interesting couple who purchased my beautiful home. I know you're going to miss them, but it will only be for a few more minutes. They should be coming back soon. Then you will have them for all eternity to talk to," Nora said trying her best to comfort Angel.

"They weren't exactly my friends. I only cry because this all could have been avoided. Had Tate left them alone long enough they would have found someone to purchase the house from them. That couple could have been on their way to doing whatever it was that would have made them happy. But now they are stuck in this house; much like the rest of us, who died in this house. They are forced to stay behind these walls, waiting for the one night that we are allowed freedom that we all crave," Angel said.

"I know what you mean. I have been stuck in this hellhole house longer than you can imagine," Moira said appearing beside her turning to look at Nora. "I can take comforting the girl from here. Thank you for trying."

"Oh thank goodness. I fear I'm no good at that. I wish you the best of luck in speaking with her," Nora said before disappearing.

Angel turned her head to look at Moira. "What do you mean you were stuck here longer than I can imagine? What happened to you? I always thought Constance had an elderly maid who worked here. I mean granted before I was killed and found out you are trapped here much like a spirit like me, I was told that you worked here. But how did you die in the house, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was a young woman who was looking for work. I found an ad in the paper that this well to do family was looking for a maid. I thought to myself why not? I am the woman for the job. That and it seemed from when I went to be interviewed by the husband and wife, that I would be paid well for doing my job. Anyway, it didn't take much, I had gotten the job. But I noticed that the husband would watch me like a hawk, and the wife was always off doing her own thing. You obviously know wo the wife is. But her husband's name was Hugo Langdon. Anyway, Constance was always out, or fussing over the young ones. Hugo would always be locked away in his office working. For the first couple of months, I was not to go into the office to clean it while Hugo was busy with work. But that all changed, and he would allow me to go in there to clean. He said that he and his wife Constance had gotten into a bit of an argument over how unkept it looked. One day I was cleaning when Hugo told me things that would shock any housekeeper. He told me that he and his wife had not been intimate with one another since several months after the birth of their daughter. I apologized to him for that. It was in that moment that he told me that I could be everything he needed. We both would get satisfaction out of it; and his wife Constance wouldn't know about it. I thought why not. If I manage to get him wrapped around my finger, even just a little bit, maybe I can get a pay raise out of the deal. I felt I deserved one for all my hard work. I would be able to help my mother get the home that she has been dreaming of owning since she and my father found out that she was pregnant with me. So I would have secret affairs with Hugo here and there. Just to get a little extra money. This went on for quite a bit. Then one day I was cleaning the master bedroom, when Hugo came in drunk. He tried to force himself on me. I heard a gunshot and next thing I knew; Hugo was dead on the floor. I turned and found Constance standing there holding the gun. I began to thank her for saving me from her husband. In that moment she suddenly turned the gun on me, saying that I had tempted her husband to want to sleep with me in their bed. She said that she knew about the affairs that we were having together in his office. She also said that she would not allow it to happen in her bedroom. I begged her to listen to me and believe that I wasn't trying to seduce her husband in the master bedroom. Next thing I knew, I woke up and tried to leave the house to go back home to my mother. When I walked out of the house, I found myself walking through another door leading me right back into the house again. It was then that I learned that my spirit is stuck in this house. It's all because Constance has done something with my body, that way I cannot move on and find peace," Moira said.

Angel looked at Moira horrified. "Do you think that Constance has subjected me to the same fate as you? Is that why I haven't found any peace? Is this the reason why I'm doomed to walk the halls for the rest of eternity?"

"My dear I wish I could give you the answers that you seek. But the thing is, I can't. I honestly don't know what Constance did with your body. Even if I go to ask her what she had done with your body, chances are, she won't tell me anything," Moira said.

"If there is a chance that my spirit can leave this hellhole, and find peace, I want to be able to do that. The only way that I can go and establish that peace that I long to have, is by knowing what Constance did to my body. I need Constance to give my body to my parents so that they can get closure; and I can get the proper burial that I deserve."

"Don't let Tate hear you talk like that. It will upset him greatly," Moira said trying to calm Angel down.

"I don't care! Tate didn't think about my feelings when he got me pregnant with his baby; or when he decided it would be a good idea to smother me with a freaking pillow, ending my life; all before he went and killed several other of our classmates, all before getting himself killed," Angel snapped.

"Is that what you truly think about me? You think that I didn't care about those kids I killed, you or our unborn child? Because newsflash I did care. I cared enough to set all of those kids free from this shit world. I cared enough to try and fight your decision to give our child up for adoption. We could have been the perfect little family. But you didn't want to hear me out on that. You already had your mind made up about giving our child up for adoption, even before it had a chance to grow inside of you completely. You were planning on giving our baby up before you and I had a chance to meet our little one, to hold them in our arms, to even pick out a name for our baby," Tate said.

"Tate we already had this discussion. You and I were not ready to become parents. We were still in high school ourselves. We had no way to support a little one; let alone find someone to watch our child for us, while you and I went to school, that way we could graduate," Angel said while growing annoyed with having to repeat the reason why that she and Tate were not ready for a baby of their own.

"I told you that Constance would not have minded watching the baby for us, while we attend school. As for a way of supporting ourselves and our child, I would have gone out and found some jobs, that way I could buy what our child needed, and put some money away to help us get a place of our own. Then we could have moved out, and you could have remained at home with our child, while I supported the household," Tate argued.

"I would not be alright with being forced to stay home taking care of the child, while you were the one bringing money into the house. This isn't the 1950s, Tate. Get with the damn program and see that. There are women out of the house, working and helping their husbands bring money home to support the family," Angel argued back.

"Look, I appreciate you saying that you want to go out and do such a thing, but I wouldn't have allowed you to go out and do that. Not when our child would have needed you here to take care of their every need. I'm glad that you would have trusted a stranger to care for our child, after we had moved out, but I wouldn't have been so trusting. A lot of people on this god forsaken planet are a bunch of shit bags, who can't be trusted to do shit. But if our child had you around, then everything would have been fine. But instead of talking it out with me, you went behind my back and started making plans to put our child up for adoption. So I did what I had to do to keep you from giving our baby up. Do I regret what I did to you? No I don't. Because it prevented you from doing the worst thing possible, which would have been giving up our child without talking to me about it, or giving me a say in the matter," Tate said. 

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