I cringe at the way he said it, both Gwen and Leia look at the three of us and frown, "Make everything worse?" They say simultaneously.

Nikki quickly gets up and takes a picture of the situation. I shake my head no to her. It was not a good time for that.

"Worse?" Leia repeats looking at us.

I stand closer to her, "Not worse he just made it seem bad. We're glad you two are friends again!" I try to reassure her and I think it worked and she nodded.

"If you thought this was a big problem for the group you could have said something," Gwen says crossing her arms across her chest. Obviously, it was a problem she's been fighting with someone all summer. "No it wasn't a big problem we wanted to help but it was better you guys solved it on your own." I try to simmer down the situation.

"Anyway!" I try to change the subject. "It's getting late we should all start heading home!" I glance at everyone's faces, "Right Jay?" I glare at him so he gets the hint.

He quickly nods, "Yeah!". I say my goodbyes and grab Jay's arm leading him out of the basement.

Once we made out of there I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't have the mental capacity to handle that situation. It wasn't even a big deal we were all doing so well. I don't get why they took it the wrong way.

I start to walk still dragging Jay with me. "Rory." I ignore him wanting to get home fast because tomorrow will be Leia's last day and I don't want it to be bad.

"Ro." He comes to a halt making me stumble from his weight behind me. I turn to face him and he gives me a look. A look that's saying to talk to him.

"What's up with you?" He asks me quietly as if shouting would cause a commotion. "Nothing, Im just going to miss summer. The way things are happening right now besides the fighting makes me really happy." I peek up at him through my eyelashes.

"Everything is going to be fine." He pulls me into a hug wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his face in the crook of my neck. I hug him back putting my arms on his neck and standing on my tippy toes to reach better.

Can anything top this right now? This feeling has to be top-tier. Being in the embrace of your lover while in the night sky with the stars shining as bright as the flash of that camera. It was amazing. I hold onto him tighter not wanting to let go of him yet.

We stood there like that for a few more minutes before I finally met go, "Did that help?" He asks with a small smile making me nod. He slowly places his hand in mine and closes his own making out fingers interlock.

The butterflies in my stomach exploding from simple touches make me feel smitten inside just for him. I begin walking towards our houses enjoying the silence and the presence of Jay.

Once we got to our house and I kiss Jay on his cheek and we walked our separate ways.


I woke up late and now I'm freaking out. How could I wake up late on the day she leaves? It's around noon, I just hope her mom didn't get here gets I do not want to miss saying goodbye to Leia.

I quickly put my shoes on and make my way out of my house. I start to sprint down the street where she lived. Getting there didn't take long but I was very much out of breath.

"I'm here!" I shout and everyone turns their heads to me. Leia gives me a big smile making me grin at her. I walk up to her, "You didn't miss anything everyone just got here too." She whispers to me making me laugh. "Thank god!" I hug her.

"I'm going to miss you, Leia. I really am. I hope Chicago treats you well, nothing will treat you better than our town though!" I giggle at her when she lets out a laugh too.

"But seriously, come back next summer, k?" She nods her head at me and gives me another hug. I let go and walk to the side to let others say their goodbyes too.

When everyone said something Leia's mom came out with Leia's luggage. That made everything actually feel like reality. She really is leaving for months.

"Okay, Le-Le. Last goodbyes, we gotta go." Her mom says while carrying the stuff to the car which was in the middle of everyone.

Leia and Gwen whisper stuff to each other before Nikki comes over to them, "Smile." She says. The two best friends pose with each other while Nikki snaps the picture. "My work here is done." Nikki gives back the camera to Leia. Leia pulls her in for their last hug.

"I am so sorry," Leia said making me widen my eyes and look at Gwen. "What?" The confused girl asks.

Gwen looks at me and back to Nikki, "Nothing." She grabs Leia's shoulders pulling her to the car where her mother was waiting. "Get in the car, Get in the car," Gwen repeats until Leia's finally inside.

"I'm really going to miss her," I say while everyone stands behind the car watching the interaction in front of them.

"Me too," Nate says making Nikki, Jay, and I look at him with confused looks. "Not." He snickers trying to hide what he said. They really can't keep secrets. They make things too obvious. I turn around and slap a hand on my forehead. I turn back around and watch the car start to drive away.

"Leia, nooo!" Ozzie finally breaks from his hard shell and breaks down. He holds his hands out for her but she's already gone. "It's okay, Oz." I rub his back trying to comfort him.

"Come back, Leia! Come Back!" He drops to his knees making me widen my eyes at him. I guess he really will miss her a lot. I think we all will.

Suddenly Jay pulls my arm and to the side of the driveway away from everyone. "Jay? Are you alright?" I question this because he seems nervous.

"Y- Yeah." He stutters while holding his arms behind his back making me furrow my eyebrows at him. "I just have a question for you."

"Okay?" I nod my head at him face full of confusion. He pulls out a bouquet of flowers behind him. Where the hell did these come from? He didn't have them before.

"Will you let me be your boyfriend, Aurora Stokes?"

My eyes widen, hands grasping the flowers in my hands. My eyes snapped from the flowers to his eyes. I was hoping he would ask me eventually but I didn't think he would ask me now!

"Yes, of course." I grab the side of his face full of happiness and smash my lips to his. I hold onto the side of his face trying to pull him closer. I hear clapping behind us which makes me break away from the kiss.

I look behind me and see our friends with grins on their faces and clapping for us. I giggle and show them my flowers. Nikki gives two thumbs up once I looked at her. I nod my head and look back at my lover.

He pulls me in for a kiss again with a wide grin on his face at my answer.

Well, I did say I wanted to accomplish new things this summer, I just didn't think having Jay Kelso as a boyfriend would be one of them.

This summer wasn't boring as I thought it was going to be.

( A/N: AHH IT'S OVER, I loved and hated this book I won't lie. It gave me some writer's block and the way I wrote it made me want to rewrite it all but anyway this is the end. I hope everyone liked it, it was fun to expand my writing, especially since this is my first time writing! I love you all, and thank you for the support you have given me. <3 p.s This isn't edited yet I just wanted to provide the last chapter for you guys. )

Just us // Jay KelsoWhere stories live. Discover now