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" Honest "


I had woken up late today, so after getting ready for the day. I walked my way over to Leia's house, knowing that's probably where everyone is. I'd been walking for quite some time before I arrived at their driveway.

The first thing that I heard surprised me, clearly not expecting it.

"I mean, there's one voice in my head saying, 'Honk her boob, bro' But he's always there, so that's normal." I had turned the corner after hearing that. "Honking boobs, really, JJ?"

I walk over towards the couple and Jay. The couple was giving me a warm smile, while Jay looked at me with surprise.  I look around before actually processing what I heard. "Wait, I'm I missing or interrupting something?"

"No, Jay was just telling us how he feels about-"

Quickly, the boy interrupted Nate. "No, you didn't miss anything. How was your day yesterday? I barely saw you.  The Kelso swiftly came to my side, walking me away from the couple, who were merely confused about why he did that.

"It was fine." I shot my glance at him. "What are you hiding?" I stop in my place after being far enough. After asking that, jay couldn't maintain eye contact anymore. He looks around, clearly trying to avoid my eyes. We didn't say anything for a while until I got fed up with it.

"Is it because of what happened with Leia?"

That got the boy's attention instantly, "Nothing actually happened, you know that, right?" He had cupped my cheek, moving my face up, and making me look directly at him.

I didn't know what to do at the moment. I know damn well Nate and Nikki are watching us right now. Not only that, but I know nothing had happened between Jay and Leia besides exchanging of words and compliments on his behalf. Leia is gaining feelings for the boy, and I don't know if I could trust the boy enough to know he wouldn't do anything.

"Aurora?" Snapping back into reality, I take a step back. His hand fell from my face, "I know." I look up once again, my sight peeking from my eyelashes, "but that doesn't mean anything won't happen in the future." His confused expression breaks through his face. "Ro? What are you trying to say?"

I turn away from the boy and begin walking towards the house, leaving the confused boy behind to let my words sink in.  The feeling of dread and sorrow starts to creep up, making me want to puke.

I look at the couple, who seemed to be having a conversation through their eyes. I dismiss them and head inside the house.

Kitty was in the kitchen making something, "it smells delicious." The smile that stretched along kitty's face made me smile. "Thank you, Rory. Gwen, Leia, and Ozzie are in the basement" I give her a smile and a nod. I thanked her before walking downstairs.

"Hello, beauties."

All eyes turn to me and each face had a smile attached to them. "We should go to a rave, Rory!" Ozzie was the first one to talk. "Oh yeah, we should, it would be the best distraction." I sat down in a seat.

"I don't know, Last time I went to a rave, I stayed up for two days." Gwen holds a drink in her hand while sitting on the sofa. " Turns out, if a mint is 40 bucks, it's not a mint." she smiles, which made me let out a light laugh.

"Great story."  Ozzie sarcastically smiles back, "I still want to go." the smile drops, and he goes back to looking in the newspaper he most likely stole from red.

Leia stares ahead of her before speaking, "You know what I want?" Gwen and Ozzie groan, making me crease my eyebrows.

"Don't say, Jay."


The urge to not be here anymore started to kick in. Would it be awkward if I just left? I began to get up, "I'm going to grab something to eat, ill be back."

I was not coming back.


It was later that night, and I was going through my closet trying to find something to do. Which landed me the idea to get rid of all the clothes I don't need or wear. I found some cute sweaters that I forgot were in here.

Grabbing a pile of old shirts, I put them in a bag, then grab old jeans and jackets. Making sure all the clothes were organized, I put the rest of them in the bag. The bag I'm going to bring to donate. A few clothes were left on the side to see if Gwen or Nikki wanted them since it kindly matches their style.

"You know it's not safe to leave your window unlocked."

I jumped a little at the voice. I turn around, stunned in place. I'm not ready to talk to him, I don't know what to say. I don't even know my own feelings!

Maybe If I just ignore him, he'll take the hint.

I go back to what I was doing and go around him back to my closet. I look down at my shoes, I like them all, I don't think ill get rid of any. Actually, maybe these sandals.


Never mind, these sandals are cute, and they go with most of my bathing suits. These though, I pick up my fading white ones. These gotta go, Nikki can have them. I put them to the side next to the pile of clothes on my desk.


I close the closet door and walk back to my desk, suddenly feeling like the scattered papers should be organized. I put all my drawings in a pile and all the random mail that I had in another. Then I put the magazines I had, in the drawer that was built in for my desk.

Right when I closed it, I had gotten tugged, making me turn around and land right on the boy's chest. My hands are directly on top of it. I keep my sight away from him, refusing to give in. "Why are you ignoring me."

Still not giving in, I try to squirm out of his grasp. An arm snaked around my waist, keeping me in place, "Let me go." I push on his chest.

"Aurora, what did I do?" With his other hand, he tilts my chin up to finally look at him. His brown eyes analyze my face. They then stare right into my eyes. " I told them about us, Nikki and Nate, I mean."

Us? The word us made my heart flutter. He told them? So there is something. He wasn't just using me. "I didn't kiss Leia because I don't like her like that. I like what we have." My face must have been a replica of a fish trying to eat food. My mouth was ajar, shocked at what he was confessing.

"She likes you, you know that, right?" I close my mouth, whispering. "So?"

I light smile crawls on my face. Once he notices it, he lets one out too. He moves his hand to caress the side of my face. He glances down at my lips, which made me lick my bottom lip. "You know, ever since we kissed, I can't get it out of my head." He uttered, getting closer to me. Confidence starts to appear within me, making me lean in and wrap my arms around his neck, "Good" and with that I connected my lips with his.

He draws me closer to his body, kissing back. My hands move up to his hair, making him freeze for a second. But he grabs the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. This was something I needed, It was like everything we wanted to say was flowing through this kiss.

I finally break the kiss, but his head follows after me when I pull away, making me giggle. He places his forehead against mine as we catch our breaths. "Have I told you how much I loved your laugh." He breathed, letting out a smile. I grin right back at him. I peer over his shoulder and notice how late it was. He traced my eyesight, making his eyes widen.

"I should get going." He started to back away from me and turn to the window, but before he left he turned around and took long strides back to me. He pressed one quick kiss and headed out of my room through the window without saying anything else.


A/N- You guys should follow my TikTok if you haven't already :) @ Forevernx.wp

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