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jordan woke up slightly confused as to how she woke up in her own bed. she knew she fell asleep in the living room, she then remembered rhys was over. she rolled her eyes at the thought of him before getting out of bed and walking to aniyahs room, knowing she would already be awake.

she picked aniyah up out of her bed, then carried her into the kitchen. she looked over to the couch, seeing rhys curled up in a blanket. she slightly smiled at how cute he was when he was asleep, then she remembered why she was annoyed at him and turned back around, focusing herself on her daughter.

"go on baby, wake daddy up." jordan said to aniyah slightly smirking. she laughed as she watched as aniyah climb all over rhys. he opened his eyes to see aniyah right infront of his eyes, he smiled before picking her up and hugging her.
"good morning princess." rhys said stretching. after a minute or two, rhys stood up off the couch and walked into the kitchen, still holding aniyah.

jordan caught herself staring at his shirtless self, walking around with 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 child on his hip. she continued to watch him make a coffee in her kitchen like he owned the place, making the girl pull a slight face.
"acting like you pay the bills or something" jordan said sarcastically, with a smile on her face. she completely forgot she was meant to be annoyed with him.
"i can pay the bills if you want me too." rhys replied with a cocky smile on his face. the girl didn't reply, instead she laughed at him and turned her head back down to her phone.

rhys went and sat at the table opposite her, after putting aniyah in the living room with her toys. he looked at jordan, waiting for her to look at him. she eventually did and turned her phone off, knowing they were about 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬.

"look jordan, i'm sorry about the other day. i was being dramatic and i shouldn't of walked out, and i shouldnt of taken the fact i was pissed off out on you and aniyah i'm seriously sorry for that." rhys said with a sigh. jordan was shocked for a minute. in the 10 years she had known rhys, this was the most sincere apology she had heard from him.
"rhys you cant keep being dumb. this is so different now aniyahs here. i don't want her around a toxic relationship, i went through that shit growing up she doesn't need that." jordan looked down before continuing. "just promise me, you won't do any more stupid shit rhys." she said putting her pinky finger out.

despite being a 21 years old, she still took pinky promises serious. it was something rhys adored about her. he smiled at her, before putting his finger out aswell.
"i promise jordan, i'll do anything for you and aniyah." he nodded towards jordan. they wrapped their finger together before kissing eachothers finger, to 'lock it in' in jordan's mind.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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