"But dad didn't wait long after you two were divorced, to remarry and start another family. Aren't you bothered by that? That he can just move on so easily, but somehow you can't?" I asked, feeling the anger growing within me, seep through my tone. 

"I'm not mad at your father for moving on Maddie. I don't mind. Even though I am not certain I'll move on from him in the future. I am still incredibly happy for your father. Nonetheless." she said, which made me sigh. 

I looked over at what she was sewing to see it was a blanket.

My mother met my eyes and smiled, "it's a baby blanket" she said. 

As I reciprocated this smile. 

"Why are you so okay with dad moving on so quickly?" I asked, confused. 

"Like I said, I'm happy he's happy. I wish nothing but the best for him." she said, as I sat my plate down on the table in front of us. 

"Mom, he treated you like crap since the day I was born. And you wish the best for him?" I asked, once again, so confused and angry that I was confused. 

"Maddison, you don't know your father like I do. He was a good man, yes things changed after we had you. But that doesn't mean he was any less of a husband or father. It just means somewhere along the way, he lost sight of who he was vs who he was suppose to be." my mother said, as there was silence between us. 

"I didn't want him to pretend anymore, not with me and certainly not with you. So eventually, he left." she said, as I tried to digest this, and before I could argue some more there was a knock at the door. 

"Hold that thought" I said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the front door. 

Once I opened it, half expecting my friends to be behind the door, my heart drops when I see Hayden Hiddleton gazing at me with those piercing blue eyes. 

"What- how- you-..what are you doing here? how did you find me?" I asked and stuttered out, too stunned to even form sentences. 

"I went back to your apartment, but you no longer live there anymore. So your friends said you would be here." he said, as I groaned. 

We then heard footsteps behind me, as I turned to see my mother approaching us. 

I wanted to close the door right then and there, but I knew my mother would have stopped me. 

"Now Maddie, who is this?" she asked, as Hayden smiled at her, flashing a full set of straight white teeth. 

My mother's facial expression changed, as I could tell she knew who was. 

"Maddie, is this him?" she asked, looking over at me. 

As I nodded slowly, still gripping the door handle. 

"You told me was handsome, but you never said he was THIS handsome!" she said, making my face flush red, as the blood surfaced to my cheeks. 

I gave my mother a look, as she shook Hayden's hand and then folded her arms, eyeing the man all over. 

"So, you're the man who knocked up my daughter." she says, a little too boldly. 

As I gasp, "MOM" I yell, adding to the list of all time humiliations, before I hear Hayden laughing and nodding and I shoot him a death glare. 

Within a second his laughing stops, and he clears his throat. 

"Why are you here Hayden?" my mom asked, as we looked at him for an answer. 

"I needed to talk to Mads, but if I'm interrupting something I can-" he starts, but when I heard him shorten my name like that I cringed. 

"It's Maddie, please don't call me Mads.." I said, cutting him off mid sentence as he nods. 

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