The dead gang's entertainment

Start from the beginning

"Nah that's our life's mission," Lily giggled, high-fiving the two women next to her, who were now in a fit of giggles.

"Flower! You too?" James pleaded to his wife.

"Sorry honey but it's true," she replied rising her eyebrows slightly. Noticing that his expression still hadn't changed, she blew a kiss towards him. Happy, James smiled and sent one back.

"Ugh you two are almost as suffocating as what killed me," Regulus muttered in disgusted as he looked at the pair.

After realising that James would never like him back, Regulus had pushed his feelings towards James deep down and accepted that they would only be friends. Nobody knew how he had felt. But it didn't matter as new feelings for a certain person were starting to bloom.

"Reg!" Jack scolded the blacked haired boy next to him.

"What? It's true," Regulus shrugged.

"But you shouldn't joke about your death that way," Jack reasoned softly with a sad look in his eyes.

"I can and I will," Regulus smirked, glancing at the long haired boy.

"Honestly," Jack huffed as he turned back to the fire. Neither realised Cass and Lily sharing a glance.

"Oh hello, I didn't think anyone would be here," Cho said which snapped Harry out of his trance.

"I- Uh- um yeah me- me neither," Harry shrugged trying to act natural but failing. Smiling, Cho strolled past him towards the columns of nest. A brown owl flew down and landed on her shoulder.

"I just remembered that it's my mom's birthday," Cho explained as she held up a brown wrapped parcel. Eagerly, her owl gripped the parcel and flew off leaving the two teenagers by themselves.

"Cool," Harry grinned while mentally slapping himself on the forehead. Let's just say the dead gang were extremely entertained by his awkwardness.

"It's a nice day out," Cho stated looking out of the door," have you been out on the quidditch field much?"

"Yeah, a little. What about you?" Harry asked more calmly than before. As a nervous twitch, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah I've been out a few times but not a lot," she answered leaving silence. "I-um heard about what you did in Professor Umbridge's class," Cho was now looking at him with a sort of admiration in her eyes. This made him almost squirm but he didn't.

"Shut up Cass I can't hear bambi's response!" Lily snapped at the lady next to her who was red from laughter.

"My cheeks hurt!" Cass cried out as she ran out the room to recover from laughing to much.

"Drama queen," Regulus rolled his eyes and focused back on what was actually going on.

"You heard about that?" Harry questioned but he already knew that people had known about it.

"Yeah, I think it was really wrong that she gave you a detention for telling the truth about everything that happened. You were actually quite brave for standing up to her," she spoke gently, taking a few steps closer towards the door, nearer to Harry. Nervous, he swallowed a lump in his throat.

Suddenly, Flich appeared in the doorway pointing his wrinkled finger at the pair. "Ah ha! Found you," he cheered in a breathless voice as he had ran the whole way. A look of confusion was shared between Harry and Cho. "A certain source told me that you were placing a large order for dungbombs. Now hand them over," Flich held out his hand but neither moved.

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