Chapter I: The petal maiden.

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(tw: attempt gang-rape, pls read with caution!)

It was hardly a different day for Yoongi.

The Kisaeng house was as busy as ever, the servants have been sweeping the floor for hours to end, other young beta and omega Kisaengs are loitering around the obnoxiously huge mansion. They were giggling, gossiping amongst themselves— voices getting lower and turning into whispers everytime Yoongi passed by.

Yoongi doesn't get along with anyone of the Kisaeng house.

Well, it was partly because no one made an effort to approach him initially— he didn't have it in himself to go talk to someone first, much less to say.

Could he be called an outcast? Maybe that was it. Anyhow — now that he's freshen up, he should draw a bath for himself.

"Good day, Lady Min."One of the servants passing by greet Yoongi, bowing politely. "Is there anything I can do for you today?"

"Good day to you too,"Yoongi masters the sweetest smile and greets the servant back. Yoongi's noticed it before — he can't seem to remember the servant's names. Is that why Madam keeps changing them once a week? He eyes the servant. A beta again. "...I was thinking of drawing a bath for myself."

"Oh- then, allow us to help you prepare, My lady."

Yoongi collects his own white rob and ties it around his waist agilely. "There's no need of that."

The servant falters, glancing around apprehensively. "B-but my lady—"

"You may not know since you're a newcomer,"Yoongi chimed in,"...but I prefer bathing alone. If it's the Madam you're worried about, I shall talk to her when I'm done. You may leave."

The poor servant still seems to be hesitant to leave. Yoongi decides it's best that he ignores him— it's not like madam's about to keep him forever.

Yoongi smiles at the fidgety servant. "Is there something else?"

He backs away slowly, still unsure. "N-no... pardon my rude intrusion, My lady."

He takes his leave with that and Yoongi finds himself alone outside the bathhouse. Yoongi wonders how the Madam got a wind of his bathing time adjournment for today. Has she put someone from the house in his tail to follow his every move? He wouldn't be surprised it that was the case.

He steps inside the bathhouse. It was empty, just as he's expected.

He slips the white bathrobe down his shoulders elegantly, revealing pearly, glistening skin underneath. The bath had been littered with rose petals — he didn't do this. Must have been Madam's work.

Madam adores Yoongi. He knows that she does— but that doesn't really excuse her possesiveness towards him. Although he can't question it, deep down, he knows Madam is probably brimming with smugness knowing the fact that a Petal maiden Omega such as Yoongi is under her supervision since his birth.

Yoongi takes the golden anklet off of his delicate, ivory-like ankles. He doesn't know much about anklets, he can't even say he's curious about it— but his Madam said this was a special gift from an important visitor, perhaps a noblemen who'd spent a night with Yoongi.

Yoongi washes his whole body softly, and with utmost care. That's what he's been taught— to treat your body as if it's national treasure.

"...I told them not to add excessive amount of petals like this.."Yoongi mumbles to himself as he splashes his hands in the water absentmindedly. "What a waste of such pretty petals..."

How ironic.

"You must not go around alone, Lilly!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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