Night 2

892 5 3

The first wave wasn't much of a hassle, you managed to avoid getting hit by the few scavs that raided the base and made quick work of them. Still low on morale, you drag yourself to Mountain to loot before the storm arrives. You seem to hear a faint sound, a bit like ringing, from inside the mountain. Or maybe it was just your ears ringing? You brush it aside and walk in.

Before you know it, you hear a loud screech and your vision starts to darken and go red. Suicidal thoughts enter your mind. You stare at your pocket knife, your hand reaches to it even as you try to resist. Your hand grabs the knife and puts it up against your neck, you can almost feel the cold steel against your throat. Just when you think it's about to end, the trance abruptly ends and you take the knife off your throat. You see before you a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes and no legs, dangling off a chain connected to the ceiling. Without thinking you throw your knife at it, but you overshot and it hits the chain, cutting it and causing the creature to fall to the ground. Well, you didn't kill it but at least it's neutralised. You don't have time to spare though, you quickly loot what you can in there, which turns out to be... not much, just a pistol blueprint and a crude bandage. The storm is arriving soon and you're about to head back to the safe area, but your gaze drifts towards the shadow lying on the ground.

You've heard of these creatures before, Reikgon's Shadows, you aren't sure about how they're made but you know that they are dangerous. Despite the danger(and the fact it was trying to kill you earlier), you can't help but feel sorry for it. You don't have much time to make the choice though, as the storm has already started to close in. Against all reason and common sense, you decide to disarm the creature of it's knife and pick it up to carry it back to the safe area. The creature was completely unmoving as you carried it back, likely unconscious or something. You drop it off against the red cargo container in the safe area and prepare for the scav's attack...

A Lovely Influence - Decaying Winter Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora