Chapter.1 - Beginnings

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Dragon sat in his office, holding an energetic baby in his arms as he smiled softly. I will protect you with my life.

He was wearing an outfit, kind of like a young sailors outfit, with his hair tied up with a purple hairband. He had a milk bottle on the side of his desk and some goldfish snacks to the right of the bottle.

The day was unusually bright and there were no clouds, it was the perfect temperature for a nice walk. It had officially been 10 months since his son's birth, and he had told Garp - his father and his child's grandpa - about him. His husband was absolutely delighted with how his son had been born with no casualties, but he knew one day they had to let him go. They wanted to spend all their time with him, but, there was a problem.

Letting the kid know who his second Father was...was a danger.

The two black-haired men had decided it was best if his husband stay out of his son's life, as they knew his job was much more unknown in the future. His lover had agreed but he was still skeptical of the decision.

And he was now gone from his son's life. He does visit Dragon but only when Luffy is asleep.

Dragon was obviously very depressed about this decision, but he didn't want to be selfish. He was planning to give Luffy to Garp when he turns 6, but he was cautious about this decision also. He wanted his son to be free and wanted him to form his own life.

Marine? Doesn't matter, unless he's corrupt, that's a different story. Pirate? I'll be looking forward to his first bounty. Revolutionary? I'll protect him - I'll still protect him if he isn't though.

Dragon scribbled something on his paper and chuckled as baby Luffy gribbed onto his pen. The drawing was of a realistic dragon - it's something he draws when he's bored and has no work to do.

He carefully placed his pen on top of the messed up papers on his desk that looked like it had gone through a buster call. He coddled baby Luffy in his arms , smiling at his attempt to grab onto his finger and chew on it. "Come on kid." Dragon whispered softly, getting up from his black-coloured chair and walking over to the door that was seemingly gloomy.

He opened up the door and walked through a hall, continuing to hold the raven-haired child (Kinda wanted to say motherless child there but, eh) as his long, soft hair swayed through the air. He finally reached where he wanted to go , he opened up the last door and the sky burst in his face. Luffy babbled in excitement at the sun as his father put him down on the green grass.

The child began to crawl around, plucking daffodils out of the grass whilst his dad sat cross-legged near him, curious of what he would do. Luffy crept over onto his dad's lap and signalled for his head to be brought near him , Dragon lowered his head down and his eyes softened as Luffy put flowers in his hair.

Dragon giggled and hugged Luffy. He then put the baby down and allowed him to crawl over the green blades of nature.

A person smiled and watched from the window. It was Ivankov. He's finally smiling.

Time passed and the evening soon dawned on the two males. Dragon slowly picked up his son and walked back inside, his trousers had grass stains on the knee placements and his hair was messy and full of flowers. Luffy was fast asleep in his father's arms. He was snoring and peace was upon the island. It seems as if, since he was born,

people were happier.



Dragon laid his son down in his crib, caring about the future that his son may wield. The room was purple with 2 desks laying around.

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