The Bubble Between

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"Alright, here's the plan. We find out our celestial monkey bros, beat up the celestial realm and get fat on fruit together forever!" Exclaimed Monkey King cheerfully.

Macaque stared at his friend/brother with a smile before letting out a chuckle.

"Okay then. What's our first stop?" Replied Macaque with a smile.

"Well, do you know where Baboon is? Cause I have absolutely no idea where Gibbon went." Said Wukong with a shrug.

"I do. He's not the kind of guy to move that often. So he should still be in the same plac-" Said Macaque acting calm while his wagging tail betrayed his expression before Wukong suddenly threw him onto a cloud. "Woah!"

"Lead the way, Macaque." Said Wukong as his stood on the cloud with a big grin on his face.

And with that, the cloud dashed into the skies with the two monkeys on its back.


At Baboon's mountain.

"Woah!" Exclaimed Wukong in awe. "You didn't tell me Baboon had a floating island!"

"Uhh, that wasn't there last time." Said Macaque in concern.

"Let's check it out!" Exclaimed Wukong excitedly as he sped up the cloud towards the floating island.

As the two got closer and closer to the island, Wukong was getting more excited. That excitement was shortlived, however.

As the two were about to reach the island, they noticed a bubble around the island. A bubble that when slammed into, flung the two monkeys to the ground without mercy.

"Ow." Said Macaque as he got up from the ground and brushed off dirt off his clothes. "Yup, that definitely wasn't there before."

Wukong spat out the dirt he swallowed after the crash before turning his eyes to the bubble.

"Hmm, let me give it a try." Said Wukong pulling out his staff and enlarging it.

"Wukong, wait-"

"Here. Comes. Monkey King!" Wukong said as he slammed his mighty staff upon the bubble only for the staff to bounce back and slam him into his face.

"Baboon has the power to manipulate the building blocks of everything around us." Said Macaque calmly "There's no way he'd just make a normal bubble. We need to be smart about this."

Macaque smiled as a pool of shadows grew beneath him and a moment later, he fell inside.

Soon enough, Macaque found himself inside the bubble and on the island.

"Now, to tell Baboon to-" Macaque couldn't finish his sentence before the bubble deformed and wrapped around Macaque before flinging him over the edge.

Wukong smiled as Macaque crashed right next to him.

"What was that about being smart?" Asked Wukong with a smug smile.

"Shut up." Said Macaque with a deep frown from his hole in the ground.

"This gave me a good idea though. What if we attack it from both sides. It can't fling us in both directions, can it?" Said Wukong cheerfully. "Can it?"

"That's...not a bad idea." Replied Macaque with a hand on his chin. "Let's do it."

The monkeys nodded to each other before the two prepared to enact the plan.

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