The Celestial Threat

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Turns out Gibbons don't have tails. So forget any scenes with Gibbon wagging a tail.



Years later.

"Ready to lose, pea brain?" Asked an older Gibbon wearing Subodhi student uniform with a smirk.

"In your dreams, long arms!' Exclaimed an older Wukong with a grin as he got ready to fight with a martial arts staff in hand.

The fight began with Wukong dashing towards Gibbon ready to strike, but Gibbon disappeared before he could.

Anticipating this move, Wukong turned around and swung his staff as a bolt of lightning flew towards him. The staff and lightning connected and the staff broke through.

"Gotcha!" Wukong heard a voice from behind him.

"Sure about that?" Wukong replied with a smirk as he swiftly swung his staff at Gibbon, but not before she managed to touch Wukong's head thanks to her long arms.

Gibbon crashed into a wall before groaning as Wukong grinned.

"I win! You lose! Ah-huh!" Said Wukong doing a victory dance.

Gibbon smiled slyly. "Sure about that?"

Wukong paused before he noticed his head growing hotter and hotter to the point of it actually hurting him.

"Hot hot hot hot HOT HOT HOT HOT! IT BURNS! AHHHH!!!" Cried Wukong panicking as a small fire sprouted over his head.

Gibbon giggled at her opponent's pain before freeing him of the pain with a wave of her hand.

"Oh come on! Another tie?" Yelled Wukong as his head cooled down.

"What can I say? I'm just a mere scholar. I can never hope to beat you in a fight." Said Gibbon with a smug smile. "But I can definitely drag you down with me."

Wukong frowned at the statement before Gibbon spoke.

"And don't give me that face, today's our last day as students anyways." Said Gibbon rolling her eyes. "You'll be rid of me by the end of the day."

Wukong paused before his shoulders dropped as Gibbon walked away.

"Yeah, I guess."

For some reason he didn't feel well with this parting.


The next day.

"I already said goodbye to master Subodhi and the other students. You?" Asked Gibbon raising a brow as she stood in front of the temple.

"Yeah yeah." Replied Wukong grumpily. "So, what are you going after this?"

"Study." Deadpanned Gibbon.

Wukong glared at Gibbon for her boring response, causing her to glare back.

"Then tell me oh deity of fun, what is it that YOU will be doing?" Asked Gibbon rolling her eyes in exasperation.

"Uhh, it's a secret...or something." Said Wukong with a forced smile.

"Pfft. You don't know, do you?" Asked Gibbon on the verge of laughter, causing Wukong to glare at her. "I'm gonna miss teasing you like this."

And with that, Gibbon walked into the distance before teleporting away.

Now alone, Wukong sighed before shaking the uncomfortable silence.

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