The Master and The Tiny King

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Many years later.

An older Gibbon sat in a small treehouse as she layed a map onto the ground.

"Alright, I've learned a good amount of mystical arts through messing with the local demons, but it's not enough." She said in a serious tone as she inspected the map. "I just use it to fuel my equations. I don't actually know any official stuff."

Gibbon put a hand on her chin as her tail wiggled behind her.

"Which leads me to a guy called master Subodhi. I haven't actually read Journey to the West, but I'll assume he's not that important. What is important is that he has a lot of...scrolls. I'd rather books, but beggars can't be choosers. There's no chance he'll give me everything so willy nilly. So here's the plan-"

Gibbon slammed her hand onto the map over a large red x drawing over a temple.

"I sneak inside using invisibility, I steal whatever material I can get my hands on. If I'm found, I'll turn myself into liquid like I practiced and *cough* nearly died because of, then escape through any window. Not a shabby plan."

Gibbon rolled back the map before donning a determined expression.

It was time for a heist.


At night.

Gibbon stared at the temple she was about to rob and took a deep breath.

"Okay, you got this." She said as a glowing white symbol spread out from under her feet.

Gibbon's handiwork showed results immediately as she quickly turned invisible to to the naked eye.

With the spell in place, Gibbon began using her long arms to climb up the building with ease. She soon made it to a tight window she squeezed through to trip and fall inside.

Hoping no one heard her little mistake, Gibbon trudged forwards.

"Okay, where do they keep the good stuff?" She whispered to herself.

She looked all around her to see some stored ingredients.

"Wrong storage." She whispered before her stomach growled causing her to rub her belly in hunger. "Okay, maybe a nice meal would be good before."

Gibbon looked around for some stuff to satisfy her hunger and got a bite here and there until the door suddenly opened.


Gibbon froze as she stared at the one crashing her parade. He was a monkey like her. An orange furred with golder eyes like hers. One who looked like a student at the temple.

The monkey too froze as he seemingly noticed her. Probably from the seemingly floating pottery from her disguise and not because he actually saw her.

"Uhh, you didn't see me I never came here BYEEE!" He said running away.

Gibbon flinched. He can't actually see her, can he?

"Wait!" He said dashing back into the room with anger and vigour. "I'm the only monkey at this temple! Who are you, food thief?!"

He can definitely see her.

The monkey dashed towards her to attack, but Gibbon narrowly dodged and retaliated with a glowing glyph that spread out from her hands. She aimed at the monkey and fired.

The effect was immediate as the monkey began floating mid air.

"Woah woah, what the- HEY!" the monkey exclaimed angrily.

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