chapter 57: old ass

Start from the beginning

His lifeless eyes turn to me, frowning. "are you alright Ral?" He whispered. The waves in his eyes were dead. The mermaids were hunted down. Gone. All the life in his eyes sucked out.

Legolas reached for my hand, I shivered as he touches my skin. But this time his skin was warm. Warm and soft like it usually was. And the waves in his eyes came back. He was alive.

"yeah I'm alright." I squeaked.

Legolas gave a small smile and squeezed my hand before letting go.

"We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith." Gandalf elaborated further.

Aragorn looked to his feet, sighing.

"His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing." Gandalf turns to Aragorn. "He knows the heir of Elendil has come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed.  There is courage still- strength enough left to challenge him. "

Aragorn locks his jaw, he was doubting himself. It was obvious. But he knows Gandalf is speaking the truth. And as the king he is, he'll come forth.

"Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle-earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees the return of the king." Gandalf warns. "If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war!" He spoke directly to the king now.

Theoden holds Gandalf's gaze. "tell me." He clicked his tongue. "why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours?"

Me and Aragorn turned to him at the same time.

"What do we owe gondor?"

Motherfucking dickhead.

I understand his concern. I understand why the king of Rohan is mad at Gondor. I hold my grudges too. But to let the world fall just because of a petty grudge? I didn't join this fellowship for the greater good or because it was the right thing to do. I joined this fellowship because if I don't me and my friends will die. And he has to understand that if he doesn't help his world will die too.

"oh for fucks sake." I groan, striding out of the room. I turn to one of the tables, and yanked a bottle of wine off from one of the table. If I had to miss out on the planning least I could do was drink.

I didn't want to listen to anymore things about the war. If it was so important that I had to know anything about it, I'll let them brief the plan back to me later. Right now, I needed to get out of this place. The place where so much responsibility is uphold, so many expectations to fulfill.

It was almost like I was back in my palace again

I take a swig of the wine. This journey made me remember why I ran away, and at this moment it felt like I was transported back to a hundred years ago. 

I had to go to a place where there was no responsibility. Somewhere like my ship. Riding in the ocean, the wind in my hair and sun blaring on my face with no worries at all except for what place to plunder next.

I had to go somewhere that reminded me of that, So I went to the only house available around these parts. Darvyn's house.


From the distance Darvyn's house looked like just an ordinary home in the hills of Edoras, but it was so much more than that. 

It was a community, a place to gather. Whether you were family or not, Darvyn's house is always welcome for people to step foot in. Doesn't matter if it was for food, advice, or simply just to hang out and listen to his tales. It was always a place of gathering for the people in Edoras.

And it was evident as I walked to his house. It was littered with children, cheering and laughing as they get their candy from Darvyn.

I grin as I reach the porch of Darvyn's house, where he was sitting on one of the stairs with a bucket of candy at his side.

I lean on the rails. "how's business going grandpa?"

"splendid!" Darvyn hands the kid in front of him candy, he reaches for more in the bucket only to find out that they're all finished.

"and that's all for today folks! come back next week and there will be more." Darvyn waves the kids goodbye, resting his elbows on his knee. The kids groan while the parents console them.

I wave the kids goodbye too, before sitting besides Darvyn. I turn to the side and lean on the pillar, putting one feet up and taking a sip of the wine.

"Where's everyone else? Seems kinda quiet today." I peer inside the house.

"nah I'm the only one here." Darvyn replies, tipping his hat off to a friend passing by.

"oh really? Where'd everyone ago?" 

"For once, the kids are actually hanging out at their own homes today. Busy with errands and stuff. And just when I thought I'd have some alone time with my wife, her friends come swooping in and invite her to their shopping." Darvyn grumbles, pouting over being left alone.

I smirk and slap his shoulder. "good thing I came today aye?"

Darvyn rolls his eyes and slaps me on the shoulder too. It's only fair if he does it back. "Aye, but what brings you here anyway? I though you'd be busy with ring stuff after all the partying last night." Darvyn puts his knee up, snatching the wine from my hands and taking a swig.

I glare at his abrupt manner. Which now that I think about it, I'm kinda glad he did that. Cause if not I'd be seeing his corpse in front of me right now.

"They are. But I was bored so I left." I looked at my nails.

Darvyn nodded, still taking a huge sip from the wine.

"Hey get your own wine! That's my special rohanian wine." I try to reach for the glass.

Darvyn turns away from my reach. "hell no, this is expensive wine. I'm gonna take any free wine i could get."

I groan at his behaviour. "Sometimes I regret teaching you to be a pirate. I should've made you a painter or some shit. Maybe you'd be less of a brat that way." I tilt my head, smiling at the boy I raised in front of me.

"oh please, I was homeless before you found me remember? I would've ended up like this anyway." Darvyn wiped the wine on his lips with his sleeve. He frowns and points at me. "have you even eaten breakfast yet?"

I shake my head.

"at your age it is not well to be drinking alcohol in the morning with an empty stomach. Wait here I'll get some breakfast out. I'm hungry anyways." Darvyn said, rubbing his stomach as he walks into the house.

I laugh at his ridiculous remarks. Does he not realize he's also old too? Foolish kid. 

I rest my head at the pillar I'm leaning on, closing my eyes.

If Darvyn can stay hopeful and well....Darvyn during these grim times. I'm sure I can stay optimistic too.

Maybe everything will be alright. And that the vision won't come true, maybe that is what will happen in the future. 

A/n: gooooood day or night :)) after 5 days I have delivered. Tbh I could've posted this 2 days ago but I went to my grandmas so I didn't have my laptop lmaooo. Also school is so damn tiring what.

cause like tell me why tf I actually had a good sleep on the floor with nothing but my pillow and thin carpet. It's been a long time since I actually had a good sleep on the floor.

Anyways hope yal liked this chapter and voted for it if you thought it was good!!

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