We stood in the airport and I checked in and stood there with Isla. The reality was sinking in that the time of my departure was getting nearer. Isla was trying to fight tears, I knew she was being strong for me. So I wouldn't worry, but I was nervous as hell.

"Flight 298 to Newark!" The intercom called.

"That's me!" I said while Maria and Silvio hugged me.

"Take care of my baby girl okay." I said while clapping Silvio on the shoulder.

"Of course we will! She's our girl now." Maria  said with a smile. I hugged the older woman as well. Then I got to Isla and stood in front of her.

"Isla?" I pant, her hazel eyes held so much emotion, I could see a tear slip out of the corner.

"Will?" Isla whispers, she clung onto my shirt and stood on her toes and capturing  my lips into a kiss, I deepen the kiss remembering her touch and taste. Being away from her was hard.

"I love you!" I said and cupped her face, as a tear slipped out of her eye.
"I love you more!" Isla whispered back  while my thumb wiped away the tears. The intercom announced his flight again.

"Go Will! Call me when you land." Isla said while taking a step back and waving me off and she stood with Silvio and Maria.

"I'll see you soon!" I whisper back. I waved to them, and headed toward my boarding area it was so fucking difficult.

I called Austin to let him know what time I would land. I got to my seat and sighed, I missed Isla already. I couldn't get her face and touch out of my face.

I pulled out my phone and saw photos of the times we had spent together, it made me smile. I'll come back to you Isla, I promise.


Once Will had disappeared in the airport I broke down and cried in Maria's arms.
"It's okay Bella, don't mourn for him dear. Be grateful he's alive, just pray he lands safely. You will see each other again soon." Maria said while she held me.

They dropped off at the villa, I arrived and the reality had hit that Will was no longer here. I saw Milo padding over to me.

"Hey baby boy, it is only us." I whispered to the tuxedo cat while I held him. I found myself walking into the guest room where Will had slept for a while. I walked toward his pillow and inhaled his pillow. I missed him so damn much.

A couple of days had passed when Will had left, entering the villa at such a late hour to an empty place just Milo perched on his cat tree waiting for me. It felt lonely, so I decided to go and make myself a bath with lavender bath salts and set up a few candles and decided to rest my body.

I kept my phone close by in case Will would call, I felt lonely as the candles flickered around me. I had undressed in a silk dressing robe and took it off and climbed into the tub while having a glass of herbal tea close by. My phone started going off and I saw Will calling.

I answered the phone and sighed.

"Hi handsome! God I'm missing you." I whispered into the phone.
"Hi baby girl, I miss you so damn much. I wish I could be there with you." He sighs through the handset.

"Yes I wish you were here too, Milo misses you. Its always a fight on your shirts and stuff." I said with a giggle.

"I miss both of you. I miss your touch and your body against mine." Will said and I missed him so much.

"I miss you too, Will. How's everything with you?" I asked him while laying back in the tub and sighing deeply.

"Oh you know we've had a couple of rehearsals and stuff. But then we're off on March 30th we play Albany, NY." Will said with a sigh.

"Oh that's awesome! Hope you have a good tour." I said with a smile, this distance was hard. Could we cope like this? Would this work? So many thoughts were running through my head, all of my doubts were plaguing me.

What if he found someone better? Would he wait for me? Would this love last? Did he think I was worth all of this?

"Isla?" Will questions, I was zoned out staring at the flickering candle lit area and I sighed.

"Yes Will? Sorry I got a little spacey." I said with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" His voice filled with concern and I sighed.

"Of course I'm fine, but you should get some rest so you have energy for tour." I said and he sighs.

"Goodnight baby girl! I love you."
Will said.

"Goodnight handsome and I love you more." I said while we hung up and I showered off and headed into my room. Milo was curled up on the bed and I got one of Will's Rat club shirts which was baggy on me and put it on and went to bed. Milo curled up to me and I stared at him.

"Oh Milo how much I miss your curly haired daddy! Do you think he misses us?" I whisper to the black and white cat who meowed in response and we slept.

To The Hellfire (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now