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Cardan sneezes, sending snot everywhere.

"Ew. I recall specifically telling you to cover your mouth when you sneeze."

He looks up at me, confused. "What does covering my mouth have to do with me sneezing?"

I stop mixing the soup I had the chef make to look at him. "Mouth, nose, you know what I meant."

I walk over to the bed and place the tray containing the hot liquid on the bed in front of Cardan. "I had a servant bring this up for you. Try drinking it." He peers into it and then tries sniffing it before realizing his nose is clogged.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Soup." Cardan looks up at me, confused once more.

"I saw somewhere that it helps with sickness. Mortal remedy, of course." I cross my legs and rest my chin in my hands as he continues to look at me skeptically. "Cardan, if I wanted to poison you, I would've done it way before we got married. And plus, that is the fool's way of killing."

"One would have thought I'd be used to your thoughts of murder by now but I can still never see it coming."

I let out a laugh as he takes a sip from the bowl. "Well? How is it?"

His expression remains unreadable before his face breaks out into a smile. "Much better than how I thought it would be, if I should be honest." He laughs before rubbing his eyes.

"You look tired. Drink the rest of the soup and then go to sleep." He nods and a little while later, he's curled up on our bed, dead asleep.

I walk up to him and place two fingers below his jawline. As soon as I locate the heartbeat, I smile.









Jurdan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now