𝒞ℋ𝒜𝒫𝒯ℰℛ 4: Ladies first!

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Happy happy happy! :3



(Y/N)'s Pov:
The three of us walked down the street, there were people but it wasn't that busy.

I took in the crisp scent of the town, gazing at the beautiful landscape as a gentle gust of wind swept through, softly stirring up a few leaves in it's wake. The buildings looked a little rustic, which made it look surprisingly aesthetic. There were lights hung across the shops and buildings, unlit.

'I bet they'd look awesome when it's night' I thought, observing the hung lights across the street...

After a few minutes of walking, America stopped in his tracks.

"Oh! Hold! I'll be right back, I'll catch up with the both of you later!" He called out, rushing to who knows where..

"Alright?!" I replied, a little confused but waving for a split second

"O-Okay bro!" Canada called out, watching his brother sprint off to the other direction

"Come on, I know a good place" Canada said, looking at me with a smile

Canada's POV:

"Okay!" (Y/N) said excitedly, her eyes lighting up

'How could someone be so precious?!?!' I thought with a blush, practically smitten at her cute expression

'Wait....is this what love at first sight feels like?!?! Nonono I'm stupid, that doesn't exist'

I realized I spaced out for a bit and cleared my throat, kind of embarrassed

(Y/N)'s POV

Canada cleared his throat, he looked a little far away for a second

'Did he space out? Yeah maybe he did' I thought,

it was also normal for me, I'm always lost in thought, not many friends to talk too, just me and my thoughts, and a phone.

"This way!" He said, having a sudden burst of energy, he reached out for my hand for a sec, then stopped, suddenly remembering. He took his hand back and smiled nervously. Not letting go of his energy burst, he sprinted towards a certain shop, I did the same. JEEZ I'm not used to running at all. My shoes were scraping down the street as I scrambled to keep up with him. Canada noticed and slow down his pace, chuckling.

We reached the shop. I was trying to catch my breath from the sudden sprint, and Canada looked at me with mischievous eyes, with a look that said "I won~". The shop was filled with old, curious things, like old record players, vintage looking books, and a few hand-painted plates that looked so well crafted.

(Following part based on a school experience and I wanted to put it here for you (Y/N)s lolololol) 👇

I opened the door for Canada. "Go on" I said, ushering to the entrance

He stopped in his tracks, he then grabbed the door handle so his hand was on top of mine.

"Ladies first" He stated calmly, trying to guide me inside. Although he sounded calm, his eyes had a look, that mischievously said "No, u"

I blushed subtly as he put his hand over mine, but I was a very very competitive girl

I looked at him with the sternest face I could ever make

"I. Insist." I with a hard smile, there was no wayyyyy I was going to let him win! 'Ain't no way I am loosing to this cute guy' I thought

"No no, I insist Ms (Y/N) you may go first" Canada said calmly. He had a hint of firmness in his voice, but the mischievous look in his eyes never left.

Luckily, no people were going inside at the moment, if there were, it would have been so embarrassing...

"Oh please! After you!" I say with a passive aggressive smile

"Ladies first, I insist" Canada said once more

Slightly frustrated, I gave Canada a small, passive aggressive smile before I used my right hand to take his hand off the doorknob, so my left hand was free. Using my left hand, I pushed him gently to the entrance- or as gently as I could....

Canada's POV:

'Damn this girl is persistent' I thought, grumbling while she was gently pushing me inside...but I found her persistence cute....

Looking triumphant, she closed the door behind her and gave me a teasing smile and a laugh...God, I almost fainted. It made her look even cuter!

I blushed and found myself smiling back

'Dammit she's so cute, I CANT STOP BLUSHING WHY-' I whined in my mind, crossing my arms.

(Y/N)'s Pov:

Canada's face was so red right now, was he okay? Did I break him????

"U look like a tomato~ are you okay?~" I teased, smirking subtly and tilting my head playfully at the flushed man.

Canada was blushing like a little boy, it looked so adorable that I found myself blushing slightly as well...dammit- so much for trying to act smug...


So nice to be writing again!!!!
Classes are finally over and I can continue writing my stories again!

 • {A Shy Love} • A countryhumans Canada x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now