I get myself together before going down the stairs and joining everyone else. I'm not upset about Kaleb breaking things off. He kind of just humbled me and all my wrong doing in these last two months. I just feel guilty for hurting him the way I did.

Over the next few days Kaleb avoided me hard he even unfollowed me on all social media. I just hope we can get passed this.

Shuri and I are at Willow Grove. It's a large land filled with trees and grass. It's peaceful and on the outskirt of town. Shuris back is against the tree and I'm laying between her legs with my head on her chest. Her arm is wrapped around me and I'm playing with her fingers. "Angel?"


"I think it's time we tell Simon." Shuri says.

"Why, where is this coming from." I look up at her.

"You've been beating yourself up over Kaleb. I'd hate for Simon to find out about us like that, it'll put you two through a lot. I don't want to see either of you hurt." She says.

"How would we tell him?" I ask.

"Let's sit down and tell him tonight at dinner. I don't know how he'll react but it's better we tell him." She says.

"Okay, I'll text him. Where will we meet?" I ask.

"I'll cook for us at in my dorm."

"Okay, that sounds good." I say.

"I'll be happier when you and I don't have to hide from the world anymore. You deserve to be shown off. I want to take you on a real date and show you a good time." She leans down and places her soft lips on my forehead leaving a kiss.

"I enjoy our little moments like these." I kiss her hand.

"Yeah, but it's also nice to have the option to prance around in public. Let's save this conversation for later. I want to finish our book before it's time for us to leave."

She picks up our novel and begins reading the pages once again. The book is called 'The Way You Loved Me' It's about a woman falling for a man not knowing how short their time is with each other. He's dying from cancer and she's always too busy with work to spend time with him the way she wants to. She doesn't find out about his condition until it's too late. We're on the last chapter, I've cried too many times already.

"Through it all I don't regret a single moment the universe gave us. He loved me lightyears worth. Donavan was my first love and I happened to be his last. Looking up at him as we lay cuddled in his hospital bed he left me with one parting thought. "You were enough, our love was more than enough. Go on, I'm giving you permission to find another love like ours. Do right by it next time, don't make all the mistakes we made. Love the next person like they're your last. Love them like I loved you." He closed his eyes and made his transition. My tears flowed and I kissed the cheek of the vessel that my lovers soul once inhabited. "Donavan, I'll never be able to love anyone the way I loved you but I can only hope to love someone the way you loved me." By the time Shuri got done reading the rest of the passage my eyes were red and my face was soaked.

"That was beautiful." She disclosed. I nodded my head in agreement. "I'm picking the next book. You keep picking sad books and crying through them. This is the third one in a row."

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