Captain America vs Iron man

Start from the beginning

Peter sees T'challa running after Bucky and Steve and Runs after him and tackled him Peter webbed him to the ground. Peter heard screaming and Sees Rhodey shooting Wanda with  Sound waves " LEAVE HER ALONE" Peter yelled kicking him in the face.

Rhode started to shoot sound waves at the both of them but Peter went closer to Wanda taking her Sonic Blast.

Peter and the Symbiote started yelling in pain Wanda saw how much pain Peter was in and She saw Peter without his mask and was surprised at how old he was.

Peter started clenching onto the concrete crushing it with his hand one of the symbiote tentacles grabbed the sonic machine and crushed it.

" Shit!" Rhodey said afraid Peter was Pissed off Rhodey tried to fly away but Peter grabbed Rhodey and slammed him into the ground.

" Your okay?" Peter asked Wanda " Yea thank you," Wanda says.

Peter and Wanda were about to go to the Jet when Vision stopped them Peter was about to attack until Vision Grabbed him and started Choking him but Wanda grab Vision and sent him flying.

" Hold on," Peter says and Grabbed Wanda and Started Swinging toward the Jet.

When they arrive Peter Puts Wanda down and they both headed to the Jet but Black Panther tackled him Peter punched him sending him back " Come on" Peter told Wanda But Black Pather scratched Wanda and Wanda Yelled in Pain.

Peter's arm turned into a tentacle and Grabbed T'challa by the Throat and Threw him.

The Jet was taking off and Peter attached his web onto it and Grabbed Wanda's hand but Gets tackled by Tony and starts falling through the air Peter attaches his web to the Jet again and tried to catch Wanda with his Web but Tony shot it And Vision Caught her.

Peter looked up and the Symbiote tentacles pulled him up to the jet Peter knocked on the glass window and Steve opened it for him.

" Why did you join us, kid?" Steve asked " Because it felt I had no choice Tony Threatened to Put me in jail even for just swinging around the city," Peter told him retracting his mask.

" Thank kid," Steve said and Peter just nodded.
" No problem sir," Peter says " Call me Steve," Steve says " Umm what is your Name kid," Steve asked " Peter Parker Or Spiderman," Peter says sticking out his hand.

" Nice to Meet You, Peter," Steve says shaking his hand.

When They arrived in Berlin they went into the facility and then went down the elevator " Guys he is here" Peter says with his Spider-sense going off. All of them turn their heads and Peter was ready to attack.

" You seem a little defensive," Tony says " We had a Long day," Steves says behind Peter.

" At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you," Tony says standing down " Why are you here?" Peter asked.

" Ross has no idea I'm here I'd like to keep it that way otherwise I gotta arrest myself," Tony says and They stand down.

They go inside and see All the Super soldiers dead Tony starts to see a video on the screen.

Tony sees Bucky killing his Parents and Tony then is about to Attack Bucky But Steve stops him.

" NO Tony Tony," Steve says grabbing him " Did you know?" Tony asked in anger "Yes" Steve told him and Tony pushed Steve off.

Tony went to Hit Steve but Peter caught and Tony shot Him with a repulsed blast sending him back and then Tony grabbed Bucky by the throat but Steve threw his shied at him losing his grip on him.

Tony then Charged at Peter but Peter sensed it and Flipped over him and grabbed him by the throat slamming him on the ground.

They look up and see an exit " Keep him distracted" Peter said and Grabbed Bucky " Hold On" Peter told him and Jumped he was about to make it out until Tony Shot a missile at the Exit closing it.

They Fall through the air but Peter shot a web at the ceiling slowing down there fall. Tony was gonna hit Bucky but Peter caught it and Bucky punched him in the face Tony then grabbed both of them and all of them fell onto the ground.

" This isn't gonna change what happened" Steve says " I don't care he killed my mom" Tony says attacking him.

Bucky and Peter started to help Steve and Gang up on Tony. Tony Send Steve fly towards the wall and Peter webbed Tony to the Wall but Tony broke through them.

Bucky then pinned Tony to the Wall trying to take out his Heart reactor but Tony charged his unibeam blasting Bucky's Metal arm off and Then shot Him with a Repulser blast.

Steve looked at Tony and Charged at Him and Starting attacking him Peter then helped Bucky up and dragged him toward a wall " GO GET ZEMO" Steve yelled.

Pete then swung toward Zemo and ZEMO started to Shoot Peter but The Symbiote just absorbed the bullets. Then Zemo tried shooting him self but grabbed the gun from his hand broke his wrist and headbutts him knocking him out.

Pete picks Zemo up and takes him towards Steve and He sees Tony on the Floor defeated then Pete help Bucky up " THAT SHIELD DOEST BELONG TO YOU YOU DONT DESERVE IT MY FATHER MADE THAT SHIELD!" Tony yelled and Steve stands there for a while and drops the shield.

A Few Hours Later..

" Let me go" Peter says and Steve just look at him " Come on No one will know I'm there" Peter said and Steve's approves.

Peter then forms his suit and when into the Raft Peter turned off the Lights at the Raft.

Guard are trying to Turn the Lights back on but Peter knock them all out then went to get the team.

" Who's there?" Sam asked and the Light turn back on " It's you" Clint says. Peter nods and Rips the Cell door off and Continues with everyone else.

" Where's Wanda" Sam says " I got her" Peter says and sees her cell and Peter punches through the screen that's locking her door and then Kicks it open.

Peter rips the stray jacket open " Thank you" Wanda says and Peter nods and they all go back to the jet.

" Who are you?" Sam asked and Peter look at Steve and He nods Peter then retracts his mask and says," I'm Peter Parker or as Spider-Man".

Wanda walk up to Peter and says," Thank you for saving us" And Kiss him on the cheek making him blush.

Symbiotic Love (Spider-witch Story)Where stories live. Discover now