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Showing your friends the text message was the first thing you were gonna do once you entered the school building. It didn't leave your mind at all and it bothered you a lot.

As you kept walking someone screamed your name but you barely heard it since your head was filled with a bunch of questions. 

"Y/n!" that someone screamed again, you turned around and saw that Inumaki was coming your way. He caught up to you, and then you blurted something out along the lines of "I need Yuta, where is he?'"

"Woah what's the hurry.." 

"I'll explain later Toge." 

You disappeared out of sight without any more words frantically searching for Yuta. Inumaki felt betrayed and disappointed that you left before he could even say good morning, also the fact that you went straight for Yuta he thought he could definitely comfort you too, right?

He felt a weird feeling in his chest but decided to ignore it for now.

After rushing a bit more you finally found Yuta and the others in your classroom without wasting time you pulled up your phone and showed the message to everyone.

"Should i be worried about this?" you asked.

"Nah don't think much of it someone is probably trying to pull strings." Maki reassured you while Yuta took your phone and stared at it.

"Did you have an argument with anyone somehow?"  "I don't really have problems with anyone"

"We'll find out don't worry."  Yuta warmly smiled at you making you comfortable.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

The last bell rang and school ended, some students had to stay behind to clean up the classrooms one of them being Yuta.

Before you left the classroom with Maki etc you said goodbye to Yuta and teased him for having to clean up he laughed and you guys left.

This was Yuta's chance to question someone about the strange message you received. He took the excuse to have a little break and went to a specific classroom. Yoora's classroom.

He peeked through the door and saw some of her classmates, he asked for Yoora and they all looked confused but called her to tell her that someone was looking for her.

"Well who do we have here, Y/n's boyfriend!" Yoora came out and decided to be annoying. Yuta sighed and looked at her up and down.

"Leave Y/n alone." 


"Don't act stupid Yoora i know you left that message."

She was surprised she didn't expect someone to find out so soon but decided to act dumb.

"I don't know what you're talking about also can you leave me alone i have work to do here you know." She tried to escape but Yuta acted fast and grabbed her wrist, turned her around and gave her a death stare one last time.

Yoora whined in pain and finally admitted "Okay okay! Stop grabbing me!" 

"Giving up so easily? You're pathetic for talking behind your little screen but not having much to say in front of her face."

"Why do you even care anyways you don't know what she did to me!"

"I don't need to hear your sob story but i know for a fact that she did nothing to you quit pretending and being jealous Inumaki is already over you."

Yuta saw that Yoora had tears in her eyes but didn't know to believe it or not after all, all she did was fake everything.

He decided it was enough but warned her one last time about how things were not gonna end up good if she keeps bothering you.

She took that as a sign to go away.

Before Yuta finally left school he came across Inumaki, he said hi and Yuta said it back. 



"Can i ask something, if you don't mind of course"

"Go ahead"

"Why was Y/n so eager to find you this morning.. she seemed like she was in distress"

"Oh.. well i think it had something to do with someone else don't worry about it" he smiled then starting walking out of the gate.

"Right.." Inumaki was annoyed because he thought he also deserved to know what was wrong with you.

I'll tell Y/n i dealed with it for her. Yuta thought to himself. Why is everything so complicated these days..

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Yuta backstory : 

Ever since Yuta's late girlfriend (Rika) died he always had this sadness inside of him but one day in middle school he found you.

You two became close really quick and Yuta could finally be happy again without thinking about the death of his loved one. He always had this admiration for you, your personality, your looks, the way you were always positive and could cheer anyone up made him fall in love with you.

Y/n was always gentle and nice with him that always gave him the impression that you liked him.

Little by little Yuta thought it was all delusion, he saw the way you looked at Inumaki and wanted you to look at him in that way too.

One day you decided to talk to Yuta about something you described as important.

"Please come see me Yuta." you texted him and he instantly replied back.

"Where are you?" he was so excited about seeing you and couldn't wait longer.

His excitement didn't last long when you started rambling about Inumaki.

At the mention of Inumaki's name, Yuta's stomach sinks. He was worried that would happen, no he knew that would happen. He has been watching you from far away admiring him.

"I like Inumaki" 

He looked at you, your cheeks pink from the breeze of air and from the sudden confession.
Somehow the fact that it came out of your mouth made it worse.

"That's.. great!" "Will you help me Yuta?" you stared at him as if he's the only one that could help him, why me? Yuta was lost in his thoughts.

Why do you like Inumaki out of all people.
What does he have that i don't.
Do i mean nothing to you?

He held himself back from blurting out something stupid out of jealousy.

What really made his blood boil was that you had a crush on one of his best friends, he knew that he had no right to feel this way but he couldn't handle it. 

"I'll try to help."

"Really? I knew i could trust you. Thank you Yuta."

He was really sad about it but couldn't show it, he'd deal with it later.

end backstory

Yuta really thought he could make you happy by confessing to you but yet you still kept thinking about Inumaki. He knew that you didn't move on but he felt trapped if he didn't confess to you any time soon.

Maybe it's time for Yuta to let go too.

a/n im still deciding if i should make this a yuta fanfic or write one separately for him 😣 ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR!

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 never meant to be yours - inumaki togeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora