First Impressions

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Starting a new job, you want to make a strong and bold First Impression. I walked into the majestic building on 6th Avenue wearing a Beige jacket over a white sleeveless blouse paired with blue jeans. When I walked into the room, where the other interns had assembled, I felt totally out of place. Apparently there was a dress code, because Every other person in that room was either dressed in a suit or a black dress. wanted to strangle myself for not reading through the entire email when Julianne, the head of the interns, eyed me up and down. I got similar looks from a lot of other people that day too.

After I was informed of what I had gotten myself into, I was furious and very frustrated. I needed coffee. After I bought myself I cup, I decided to go back to the hotel I was staying in and call my parents up to tell them was coming back. I was almost running home with this thought in my head and I bummed into this guy who worked there. Due to the collision, My brand new skinny jeans were completely soggy. David, the guy who'd bumped into me, helped me wipe away most of the coffee, but the stain was stubborn, and couldn't be wiped away with paper towels. I thanked David and resumed leaving the building, angrier than I was before. I really had no clue what to do. I wanted to work at Vogue, I have always wanted to work at Vogue also I desperately need a job because living under my parents' roof at 22 did not seem ideal.

After I talked to my parents about it on the phone that day, they advised me to take the job. "It was reasonable why they have an internship" my mom said, it's a huge enterprise. You should take it honey, I know you will make it!". My mom has always been the cheerleader in my family. My dad agreed with my mother and had an apartment arranged for me, he was also the one who got me the part time job that I am living off of now.

After moving all my heavy luggage into the new apartment from the hotel, I went back to get my hand bag and the other small goods I'd left behind. On my way I happened to bump into David again. "Oh hey! nice to run into you again" He said. I chuckled. "you look troubled, everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah, not really", I sighed.

"wanna talk about it?" he asked me. 

so we talked, for an hour or so, one conversation leading to another. 

Turns out he's a photographer, he lives a block away from my place, and he's a great guy.

Guess New York might not be so bad, after all 

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