Setting Boundaries

Start from the beginning

I turn around and find Eda leaning against the doorway with King, arms crossed.

King: What did you do to get her so mad at you?

I sit down and slump onto the kitchen table.

Madelene: It's... complicated.

Eda: We've got time.

Madelene: Well... I've... found out who my blood family is.

One blink. Then three.

Eda: Oh shit, family drama. Welp, I'm out!

I whined, reaching my hand out drammatically.

Madelene: Edaaaa!!!!

Eda: Sheesh, kid. Loosen up, like my a-

Madelene: I swear to the christian god out there I won't forgive you if you finish that-

Eda yank one of her limb free, looking so smug as her detached hand wave its fingers.

Eda: ...arms...

Madelene: .... I hate you.

Eda cackles that I pretty much do not like to see right now.

I crossed my arms in petulance.

Eda: You got something in your mind, kid?

Madelene: I hate you...

Eda: You're not the first one who said that to me, ha-ha!

King: Hmph-nyeh!! Stop with your nonsense! Madelene, I know reuniting with your family is a big deal, but what's that got to do with Luz?

King shouted, pushing me onto the topic I rather not discuss. But... what the hay, I'm going to tell them.

Madelene: It matters a lot, King. I've been excluding Luz... a lot. I mean the last time we hung out just the two of us was... when we got here.

Eda: Which was at least months ago.

Madelene: I know... and now she won't even talk to me.

Eda: Have you tried tying her to a chair?

Madelene: ...... why... would I???

Eda: Tie her down of course, either you're the kitty cat or Luz is. Either way, someone needs someone to back someone to a corner so someone can talk to someone.

King: I'm confused, who's Someone!?

Madelene: Ugh! Eda, that's so confrontational! I don't want someone hating me more!

King: Who's Someone!?

Madelene: Luz, King.

King: Oh... why the Titan don't you just say her name!?

Eda: Amusement, for one. But really, that's a great alternative than me forcing you two to get along or I will kick you out.

Madelene: You're kicking us out???

I pouted in sadness, making my eyes watery as I looked at her.

Eda: Kid, you look ugly.

Madelene: Ouch!

Hooty: I can set up a little meeting for you two if you want~~~??

Madelene: Hmmmm...

Eda: From my experience tying them to a chair usually works. But since that's off the table, you can always erase her memory. Just pull the film out her ear and bam! Burn it!

Madelene: Absolutely not, I don't wanna magic my way out of this. And that is just so wrong on so many levels.

Eda: You're not wrong, only stupid enough people will do that. Like Alador's kid. Welp. Suit yourself, but not taking the easy way out, I can admire that. If you really want someone as stubborn as Luz to listen to you, you have to be persistent. Don't take no for an answer!

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