"Wear your other gift."

He gave her the bag, she opened it and found a dress, a beautiful white dress with flowers on it.

"I wait you outside, so do quick." He said before he left with his friends.

She couldn't even say thank you or anything, he left already.

But she was truly happy Riki made her a beautiful gift. For sure he has taste, cause the dress is so pretty.

"We will be back here for 6, you have time." Riki said to Jungwon and Jake before actually leaving the hospital and wait Kaya front of it.

Fast, that's the word. She hurried so as not to make him wait too long. And when he saw her, it was as if his heart was going to leave his chest.

"Flowers really look good on you."

''You really didn't have to,'' she mumbled and Riki immediately noticed the way her cheeks flushed red, making him sense a feeling of victory spread across his chest.

"Of course i had to."

Not like he didn't spend almost an hour at the flower shop, making the poor girl working there show him every single flower there was and describe each and every single one of them, just to make sure he got you the most beautiful flowers in the entire shop. Nor did he have to force both Jake and Jungwon to help him to find the perfect dress, both of them getting annoyed.

They went to their place, the KaKi place and they sat on the bench front of the lake this time, they are gonna wait there and see the sunset together.

"I wanted to go to the fair, and get into the ferris wheel again."

"Why you changed your mind?"

"Cause when we were in it, i told you next time i was going to do something there. And i rather like to do it after you are done with the hospitalization."

The warm smile she flashed him upon hearing his words caused the smile on his lips to widen, the red color still lingering on her cheeks.

He hear her giggling as she looked at him, "what's so funny this time?" He asked.

"Wait i think the wind has shaken your hair a little."

She got a little too close while fixing his hair, her soft fingertips grazing across the skin covering his forehead, her eyebrows furrowed and he, for the second time ever, felt the urge to press his lips against her own.

"You look handsome."

"I know." He smirked and said that just to joke.

"Ew you're ugly." Riki said to her

"I will throw you in the lake."

"Oh with the pretty dress you got me?" She replied.

They spent the whole day in that park, laughing together, have good time together. He wanted to have her just for him. If only he wasn't scared to be rejected.

The sunset was slowly coming, so the two teenagers stared at it. Happy, happy to be next to each other, watching it together and neither would have wanted this moment to end.

So Riki made the first step, he hesitated, he looked for a long time at Kaya's hand on the bench and then he finally decided to intertwine his fingers with hers.

I want to love you, show me a sign that you want me to love you, Kaya.

Please don't reject my hand.

Please let me touch your hand and have my fingers between yours.

His heart was ready to leap out of his chest, he was stressed waiting for what she was going to do but she just looked at Riki, then looked down at their intertwined fingers and she just smiled and moved closer to him, holding his hand tighter.

You like me Kaya?

I just want you to love me back.

"can we watch the sunset together on my next birthday again ?"

He nodded, and just watched that sunset and when it was time to go back at the hospital, the light in the buildings with the rooms was turned off.

Why every rooms had light turned off?

"Happy birthday!"

Everyone screamed when the lights came on, everyone at the hospital was there. Everyone loved Kaya at school and at the hospital and it was all Riki's idea, he was able to count on Jake, Jungwon and Dr. Kim to organize it while they were out for a while.

Hiii, as i finished to write this book,
i'm writing another one.. ^^

I hope y'all still like that book,
i tried to improve on the next chapters!!

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