Prologue: Good-For-Nothing Kiyobaka

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As usual, I woke up around 5 in the morning. Even though I've been away from 'that place' (in more ways than one) for quite some time already, this habit doesn't seem like it'll be going away anytime soon.

I sit up from my bed and go to start with my daily exercise right away.

Hmm... maybe I should buy some workout equipment. I did save up some money from those betting games I did this past week. I think I earned more money last week than I did for the past six months since I started living here... It's both amazing and depressing to think about.

Such thoughts floated all over my head as I exercised.

Around 6:30, I finished up and sat on my bed for a moment to cool down. I check my phone in the meantime.

...Huh. I got 3 subs overnight. Cool.


9 am. As I finish most of my daytime routines, I head to my desktop computer and start it up. Another day in this strange world, and another grind to not fall from poverty.

Some would say that maybe, just maybe, I should find a real job or something. I'm certainly capable of doing so, but as I'm literally an alien to this world, I don't own any appropriate documents I'd need to get hired by anybody. No birth certificate, no citizenship, no nothing.

If it wasn't for 'Tenshi-san', I may as well be a homeless person asking for change on some sidewalk right now.

Tenshi-san is the nickname I gave to the tiny lady that adopted me, and now my landlady. An appropriate name for such an angelic person, if I do say so myself. when I first appeared on this world, I was penniless and had no name or anything on my back at all. Most people thought I was cosplaying as... myself, as apparently, in this world, 'Ayanokoji Kiyotaka' is just a fictional character. Even still, Tenshi-san took me in and even let me live on one of the empty rooms of her apartment building.

What a nice person. There's a lot more things that happened between then and now, but...

that's a story for another time.


Finally, this dingy desktop loaded after a full minute. I'm grateful for Tenshi-san since she lent this to me for free, but... yeah, it's pretty bad.

Huh. Maybe I can buy a new computer instead if I save up more. Oh well.

Navigating through google-sensei, I opened up my Twitch account. My stream should be starting in a bit. As I waited, I gave a look over my channel, which I have made for almost five months now.

Channel name: "KiyobakaTTV". Not my choice, by the way. It's Tenshi-san that made my channel.

Subscribers... 4. One is from the landlady, and the three I got from... somewhere. Maybe they're from that one streamer I played against last night.

...Look at this pitiful sight. The months I've been streaming are more than my subs. If I could laugh, I would. Every time I see Tenshi-san give me a pitying look, I feel like I want to die. If 'that man' saw just how low his masterpiece has fallen, I bet he'd have a heart attack.

I've been repeatedly told that I sound boring and dead by the random people that jump to my stream. I can't help it, okay? That's just the way I am. I'm doing my best here. Really.

I do enjoy most of the games that I play. Well, they're all old games that were already installed on this computer. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I don't get much traction... Especially since this world is more than five years into the future from the world I used to have.

I think even people from back there would find a streamer playing Plants vs. Zombies extremely boring.

It's a fun game though...


On Twitter...

Okami: Ayanokoji-kun, I think it's because of the games you play. Maybe you should try some trending games right now?

I can already imagine her look of worry and understanding. 'Ganbare, ganbare!', while patting my back, all the while giving me an awkward smile...

Well, she's probably right.

Despite my less-than-ideal living arrangements, finding myself in this foreign world was... extremely liberating. the White Room doesn't exist here, as well as him. Truth to be told, I've been just spending these past few months here living my new life, and enjoying it. That resulted in me not really caring about anything else, including my 'streaming career'.

Now that I've had my fill, I should really put in some work and finally contribute to the table. Tenshi-san never showed any sign that she minded me mooching off of her for months now, but I can't just take advantage of her forever. I'm just cruel, not shameless.

I minimize my chatbox with Tenshi-san and go back to my channel. Unsurprisingly, not a single viewer is waiting for my stream. A sad sight, but I've grown used to it.

Kiyobaka: Do you have any recommendations, landlady?

Okami: You're good with English, right, Ayanokoji-kun? I think you should aim for western fans instead. Um, how about... chess?

Chess, huh?... I haven't played it in a while.

"I wonder how I'll compare to the top players of this world." These were my genuine thoughts, and I intend to find the answers for it myself.

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