Caught Red-handed

418 18 1

────── おはよう世界 ─────

"Was this really made.. Out of those foxtails?" Kohaku looked at the bowl, with somewhat a look of disbelief on her face.

"LEAVE THE POISON-TESTING TO MEE!!" Chrome shouted confidently,

"Why do you say that as if it's actually poisoned.."

Chrome then slurped on the noodles, then he had a wide-eyed expression on his face.

"SOOOOOO FRICKINGGGG GOOOD!!!!" Chrome screamed as he finished the whole bowl with a delighted expression on his face.

Kohaku and Suika then followed Chrome's actions, slurping the noodles. They both looked like they couldn't stop slurping the noodles.

"I've never eaten anything like this before!"

"You can just slurp it up!"

After seeing the expressions on their face, Senku turned to Rose with a smirk on his face.

"Kukuku, I guess we should taste it too?"

"Alrighty! Let's taste Senku's finest work!"

Senku and Rose started to slurp the noodles. Both of their expression morphed and he sighed in defeat.

"Nope. Not decent  a t  a l l." They both deadpanned,

"Why is it so bland..? Where's the sparks I feel everytime I eat ramen?" she sighed, knowing the outcome but decided to comment.

"Well, it was made from foxtails after all.. But why is it so dry?" Senku commented,

"Hey! Look on the bright side Senku-kun! These guys these are made by the gods!" she tried to cheer him up, patting him on the back.

"I guess you're correct.."

"This will work! Foxtail Ramen!"


Suika then started to blow onto the seashell to attract attention from the townspeople.

"I'll take control of this village, using Ramen.." he had a look of a literal villain, while both of the girls sweatdropped as they both looked Senku.

"We were doing something really kind like making delicious food for everyone to eat"

"I may not understand everything you say but I'm betting on my non-existent wallet that everything coming out of your mouth right now is pure evil.." Rose added, looking at Senku with a look of disbelief.

[The aroma of ramen that has arrived in the village!]

''Kohaku.. what are you doing.. with this outsider that has come?"

Everyone was now indulging into Senku's ramen. While a girl suddenly approached Senku,

"So you were the person who made incredible amazing dish ♡~" It was one of the Sparkling Sisters .

"Tell me, what kind of girls do you liike~"

"I like girls who pumps alot of oxygen to a furnace." He answered, half joking.

"Sheesh dude, be less harsh?" she chuckled,

On the corner of her eye, Rose spotted someone in the crowd, a shallow guy with purple clothing.

'Huli ka, pero di kulong.'

The best thing to do is to avoid him and let Senku & the other's deal with it, since she could fuck up everythi—

"Heyooo!" she waved as she approached the man.

'A foreigner? That accent..'

"Ahh~ hello." the man grinned and waved back, one hand waving while the other one on the bowl of ramen.

He was startled, but he couldn't let his guard down. That would just be stupid.

"Soo, you're the famous Asagiri Gen. Right? I've heard about your books!" Rose sat on the rock beside him,

"I see, a fan I suppose~"

"Sorry but I don't do signatures at the mome—"

"What's a famous mentalist like you doing with a man like Tsukasa?"

Gen stopped his words and froze, how did she— how did she know?

"H-huh? I depetrified on my own I swear!" He tried to defend himself, he wasn't going to let himself be discovered by some girl!

"Ehhh? But those clothes.. A bit too good at sewing?" she replied, sarcasm rolling off her tongue.

"Don't lie to me, there's no point.." she mumbled softly,

"I know what's going to happen to each and every one of you."

"This seriously makes me wish I had a beverage to drink ─ like cola" Gen then spoke in Japanese,

Senku stopped stirring the ramen and froze



When Gen said that, Rose stood up from the rock she was sitting on and immediately left. Knowing what will happen.

Kohaku then approached Senku, noticing that he froze so suddenly.

"Is that one of your friends, Senku?" Kohaku asked,

He shook his head, 'no'

Kohaku then came rushing to Kinrou and Ginrou, short in breath.

"Kinrou, Ginro. Sorry to break your argument.." Kohaku said, panting.

"What is wrong?" Kinrou asked, his arms crossed.

"I'll keep the explanation short and simple." Her expression darkened, the atmosphere turned serious.

"An enemy."

Kinrou and Ginrou immediately followed Kohaku and surrounded the half-and-half haired man. One of their spears on his throat.

"Answer truthfully, don't even think about lying or else I'll cut your throat right here, right now"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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