Chapter One

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A/N: hello, ive decided to write a story about the one and only slash cuz i love him a lot. got inspiration cuz i suggested something for N0tthec0ffeemachine so here we go

(just imagine that all three bands- guns n roses, metallica, and red hot chili peppers- are in sunset strip)

Harley POV

Yesterday was the eighteenth of August, 1985

Yesterday I graduated.

Yesterday I nearly died.

Yesterday was the best yet worst day of my life.

What happened? Well, thats a story that I'll get to later. In the meantime, here's a bit about myself.

Name: Harley Lillith Jones
Nickname/s: Lil, Lilly, Harl
Age + Birthday: 19, 22/July/1966
Family: Robert Jones (dad), Lillith Jones (mum), Sharli Ward (adopted sister)
Friends: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Cliff Burton, Dave Mustaine, Dani California, Indie Burton
Where I live: Small house in Sunset Strip with Cliff Burton
Likes: Heavy metal music, rock n roll, metal, cocaine, family, drums, reptiles, spiders, cigarettes
Dislikes: Any other sort of music, dickheads, the way I look, any other sort of animal, bright things, heroine
Occupation: Waitress at Whiskey A Go-Go

So yeah.

Right now, me and Cliff are really tight on money and can barely get food. Apparently employers don't like the look of Cliff, which is really rude because he's a lovely guy even though he looks like a badass. So I'm working my ass off everyday while Cliff either tries to get a job, practices songs with his band Metallica, lies around drinking or watching MTV, or just sleeping.

Me and Cliff met each other through my friend Dani. She said she'd bring a couple of friend to dinner one time, and they turned out to be Cliff and Anthony Kiedis. Anthony's a nice guy and all, but me and Cliff bonded better. We started meeting up more and quickly got very close. Cliff couldn't put up with his bandmates in their apartment, so I let him move in with me. We're nothing more than close friends, and we've already confirmed that.

Turns out that Cliff is also the older brother of my friend Indie Burton, which is weird because I had never seen him before. Indie had just said that he was always busy or something, so I didn't really bother asking any more questions about her brother. But me and Indie have been friends since grade nine, and I've been to her house many times but never saw Cliff. Bad timing, I guess.

He told me that at my age, life starts to get a lot more complicated, which didn't help very much because my life is still pretty good, other than the money part. He introduced me to his bandmates, James, Lars and Kirk, and one of his friends, Dave. I have a problem with Kirk because he tried to fuck me as soon as we were alone in a room together, and I've barely talked to him since. Lars' really sweet and fun, and the Danish accent is really cute and funny. James has a vibe that screams 'im gonna kill someone today' but he's really nice if he wants to be, and Dave is an ok-ish guy- a little rude at times but can be reasonable, and, surprisingly, a nice guy to talk to.

"Lilly, are you alright?" A familiar voice says, panicking.

I snap out of my thoughts and focus in on the real world. Cliff is kneeling beside my bed, looking very worried. Next to me is an ice pack, and a steamy coffee on the bedside table. I look at my legs, which are covered in cuts and dried blood and bruises. My arms have the same injuries but aren't as bad. I reach up to my cheek and wince, remembering the large cut I got and the glass that's still inside of the wound.

"Cliff, I'm so sorry that you have to put up with me." I sigh.

"Lil, it's alright. It wasn't your fault that this happened. Kirk is a jerk for doing that." Cliff reassures me, placing his large hand on my forehead.

"If he's a jerk, then kick him out of the band already!" I snap. Cliff looks at me, shocked. I realise what I said and panic. "I'm so sorry Cliff, that just came out, I'm so sorry if that hurt you."

Cliff looks away and I want to punch myself for what I said. "Could you tell me what happened to me last night, and why Kirk is a jerk?" I hesitate. "All I remember is being pushed into a cupboard thingy made out of glass, then I was out."

"Right." Cliff paused, looking back at me. "Kirk thought it would be hilarious if he pushed you into the glass cabinet with the school trophies and stuff. Turned out not hilarious at all."

I clench my fist. Of course it was Kirk, trying to 'get me back for not wanting fuck him' or some shit. I can't believe that dickhead!

I take a deep breath, controlling my angered breathing. "Can you tell Dani that I'm ok, if she even knows what happened?" I say calmly.

"For sure, I'll call her right now." Cliff says, standing up, walking out of my room.

"Oh, and Cliff?" I call. He pokes his head back in to my room.

"You're playing at Whiskey tomorrow night, aren't you?" I ask.

"Correct, why?" Cliff replies.

"I'm working then, so I'll finally get to see you guys play!" I say, a smile spread across my face.

"Surely you can't work! Look at you!" Cliff says, startled.

"Calm down, I'll be fine! Look, I can even stand up." That was probably a lie. I try getting up, but my legs crumble beneath me and I fall back onto my bed. Cliff chuckles. "Fine, I can't walk. But I will spend all of today trying to walk so I can go tomorrow, because I do not want to miss this opportunity."

"Well, good luck, 'cuz you'll need it. Now let me call Dani!" Cliff says, walking away.

I try getting up again, using the bedframe to help me. My legs crumble once again. I unsuccessfully try a few more times before giving up. I pick up the coffee mug and take a sip. Two teaspoons of sugar, one teaspoon of coffee, a little bit of cold milk and boiling water; that's what I always have. Dani says it's weird that I like coffee, but I really don't think so. I take another sip, and get back to trying to stand up.

It was like I was a baby taking their first steps.

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