💗Longan Dragon X Fem Reader

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|•Requested by: Ttimamisu45
|•Request type: Fluff


•For simplicity, let's say you already work for Longan like Snakefruit Cookie.

•Longan dislikes cookies for how weak they are, but something in you made them feel different. And because of this, they treated you different.

•Longan had a soft spot for you, never talking as cold and uncaring.

•But let's say you weren't a cookie meant for battle, and so you could only watch as Longan started their plan, and seeing how Snakefruit betrays Longan but utterly fails.

•Seeing how the other dragons (minus Lychee) are combating Longan, putting an end to their plans with the help of the other cookies.

•(For simplicity let's skip to when Longan lost) When Longan lost the fight from the other dragons and the cookies, they would've thought you fled after all the atrocities they have committed. But you didn't.

•Longan has been acting differently since that day you stayed with them, being more protective but also showing more emotion around you.

•Giving the occasional hug or kiss out of nowhere, and talking with more 'emotion' and no longer talking in a cold manner like in the past.

•They wouldn't admit it openly but, they developed caring and protective feelings towards you. And definitely love but they wouldn't admit to that, but it was clear to you that they did.


A/N: Hello! My beautiful and handsome readers, the reason this request took a while *Cough* over a week or two *Cough* was school, but im not here to talk about that (Mostly).

This chapter was requested by Ttimamisu45, and I'm happy that someone requested. Even if it did take a while (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠).

We'll see you all next time!

Various Cookie's X Reader (Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now