Bounty hunt (anidala)

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Anakins pov

The bounty giver guy looked at me and said "Falco sang, your next target is Padmé Naberrie Amidala." Angel? She has a bounty on her head? The man must noticed me think "If your not up for it I-"

"Dead or alive." I asked, things were going to get complicated if angel was wanted dead

"Alive." the man replied, I smirked, oh I was going to hunt senator Anidala but I wasn't hunting her their way, its a good thing I can change back and forth from this disguise and my own body whenever I like. "You not even going to take the puck?"

"Don't need it."


I walked over to me and angels favourite cafe, it was in the underworld, low enough we barely ever got recognised, but surprisingly quite nice, I had introduce it to her. I swapped back to my body outside and then walked in over to our favourite booth and waited.

Sure enough after a couple hours angel walked in, she sat down without seeing me and jumped when I said "Hello angel."
"Ani! What are you doing here?"
"My job."
"Your meant to be on a mission right now, so no you are not doing your job."
"My mission was to go undercover as a bounty hunter, and I'm bounty hunting my target right now."
"Who then?"
"You. Care to explain why you have a price on you head senator."
"Uh, why don't we go to my apartment." Angel said awkwardly and walked out with me.

Once we got to her apartment and locked the doors she looked at me and said "With the bounty-"
"-look Ani I'm sorry I didn't tell y-"
"Padme! We only have so long before I have to use that horrible thing to turn back into the bounty hunter, shoot the floors, trigger your guards, run, go back and report that your security was to high. Let's spend that time wisely, okay?"
"Okay." Angel replied, both of us smiled.

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