Chapter 3 { what have I done} (Jason) ^ thats Bentleys dad^

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Holy shit what the hell have I done. Tears start to fill my eyes. "You'll be fine you have me still baby" says Lindsey "Shut the fuck up Lindsey I don't want you I want my family not some 25 year old slut that's my neighbor" I say " How the hell could you just say that Jason we just made love and you said you loved me" Lindsey says while her face turns red and tears start rolling down her red cheeks and her black mascara starts smearing on her cheeks. " I don't understand how could I have done something so terrible to my family and then my fucking daughter having to see us having sex her face was so terrified."
"Well I'm going to leave now my dogs probably miss me" says Lindsey "ya know what I bet they do go leave I wouldn't come back either I need to sort this out with Bentley." "Ok bye" Lindsey says. I keep calling Bentley she won't answer her phone all I have heard for the past hour is " Hey it's Bentley Leave me a message I will get back to you as soon as I can " says Bentleys voicemail . I'm so glad when I here the door open then I see Bentley walk through the door with her face all puffy as if she had been crying for hours. " Hi honey we need to talk" I say.

"So dad my question is why would you do something like that I can't believe you out of anyone I know would do something like that and really right after moms aunt dies seriously you're a real dick dad" Bentley says
"I know honey I made a mistake a huge mistake and I feel extremely horrible for what I have done." I say .
"Don't even call me honey I just can't believe you right now" Bentley says
"Have you told your mom" I say
"Seriously that's all you ask if I have told my mom really you should be apologizing right now" Bentley says

"I'm sorry and you have all the rights to be mad at me" I say
"Now me and your mom are probably gonna get a divorce or we will work something out its just that she's always gone and she isn't satisfying my needs" I say "ok well I'm going to Wyatt's house I will be back tomorrow I love you " Bentley says . It's just good to hear that she still says she loves me after this horrible incident.

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