There's something in there. There's something in the cloud.

She wasted no time kicking her feet upwards, realizing the cloud had something in it, something that was going to kill them all if they didn't get away from it.
Could it be a shark? No, there's no way it'd be that aggressive and able to yank someone down like that. Squid aren't territorial enough- a fish couldn't do that- nothing can live in that gas-
Her panicked thoughts were stopped when she felt a hand around her foot, multiple sharp points pricking her ankle- before she was dragged down with intense speed, leaving her spinning and flailing in the water, by some miracle still holding her flashlight.
Her breathing picked up as she waved the light around, but it was no use. She was in the center of the cloud, her light unable to poke through the gas in the slightest.

The young woman looked around, trying to see a lighter top or maybe pitch black bottom, but it was green all around her.
On the verge of a panic attack, she clenched her eyes shut and just floated, slowing her breathing, counting to ten.


She knew if she didn't calm herself down she would launch herself into instinctive fight or flight and end up unintentionally killing herself.
Her eyes slowly opened, looking up at the green fog.
    Looking up.
    Around her was pitch black, the green smog almost seeming to glow above her.
    But she had direction, if she swam straight up, she'd be out of it.

    Y/N shined her flashlight around, her heart wanting to stop when she saw several of her coworkers bodies floating down from the smog, red coating the water around them.
   She wanted to believe they were alive, that they were only hurt and could still swim, but she knew they had been killed by whatever was lurking in these depths.
   Y/N looked back up, starting to orient herself so her fins were below her all while shining her flashlight around, alert for whatever was attacking them.

    A black mass swam through the light faster than she'd ever seen any sea creature move, leaving her skin cold despite the wetsuit.
    Then, a low clicking sounded through the water, somewhat similar to a whale but much deeper and faster, rang throughout the water.
    Once again, she forced herself to be calm, but had no time to waste.
    The female diver's legs kicked into action, swimming up towards the gas, her heart pounding out of her chest as that clicking sound was heard again, and this time, much louder.

    She felt like she was moving at a snails pace even though she was pushing as hard as she could.
   And as her head surfaced into the smog, that familiar hand grabbed onto her foot while her ankle was pricked... and she was dragged back into the depths...

Her body twitched.
Dragging me... deeper deeper deeper....
A strangled breath passed through her lips.
She gasped, waking with a jolt, air ripping in and out of her lungs as her eyes adjusted to the area around her.
Disoriented, she realized she was on her back, and rolled onto her side, her eyes squinting at the harsh light of her flashlight that was on the rocky floor beside her.
Weakly, she reached for it, her body exhausted while she caught her breath.

Her hand softly wrapped around it, before moving the light around, looking at the area she was in.
It was a cave- or more so a large air pocket, the walls and floor uneven and sharp in places. In the walls were small tunnels, too small for her to fit, similar to the ones on the dive down into this hell hole.
Her brows furrowed, she didn't remember swimming into here- in fact- the last thing she remembered was being dragged down by that thing and passing out from the panic that had ensued.

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