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When you walked inside your home, you plopped on your bed and immediately fell asleep. After a few hours you woke, feeling groggy from the unintended sleep. You check your phone, one in the morning. You let out a sigh, at least you had your first day of work on a Friday.

You pulled yourself up off the bed when you noticed a piece of paper where you were laying. It was Steven's phone number, you picked it  up. You thought about it for a second. You thought about texting him later but then again you don't want to forget.

You decided to shoot him a text now, it's only weird if you make it that way. Typing the phone number in, you wondered what you should say.

'Hey its me' no... he doesn't have YOUR number.

'Y/N.' Hmm, no.

'Hey its me, Y/n' perfect.

Sending out the text, you decided to make something to eat since you didn't get the chance earlier. You placed your phone on the counter and walked away. The next thirty minutes you ate and watched TV, not even thinking about your phone. Soon you got up and placed your dish in the sink when you picked your phone. There were five messages from Steven.

'Hi, Y/n,'

'Isn't a little late?'

'I'm not trying to judge you or anything'

'Are you okay?'


You let out a small laugh, you guess it was bad timing.

'I'm okay, sorry, I forgot about my phone for a second, and what do you mean a little late? You're literally texting me back ?' You typed out and hit send.

Almost instantly, Steven replied.

'It's okay, sorry for freaking out a little bit and I happen to have a good reason for being awake.😌' Steven replied to your message.

'Why's that😐' you asked in your text.

'Because I can😗' Steven answered.

'Woooww,' you replied.

'Why are u up?" Steven asked.

'I fell asleep as soon as I got inside on accident, so here I am," you sent.

'How do even accidentally fall asleep?' Steven asked.

'I laid down, closed my eyes.' You answered.

'Doesn't sound like an accident to me,' Steven sent.

'U weren't there,' you sent.

Your face began to feel sore, you've been smiling this entire time. You put down your phone and rubbed your eyes. You might just have a crush on this boy, that you just met, you frown. What if he doesn't even like you like that, you thought. What if you're just annoying him right now, you wondered. Your phone vibrated, the smile comes back.

'So, question, you don't have to answer, why did you move to beach city?' You read the message from Steven. The reason, it's more like the reasons, plural. You could tell him an ex, your parents, the prying eyes of everyone you knew watching your every move.

'Just needed something new,' you put it simple.

'I understand, I've been there, I actually just got back from my something new,' Steven sent, wait is he trying to relate to you.

'But you came back?' You questioned, you don't think you'll ever want to go back.

'I missed my friends and family, what about you? Do you miss the place you came from?' Steven said in his text.

'no,' you answer shortly. You could never miss them. All you can think about is how much better you are now.

'I'm sorry,' Steven sent. Why would he be sorry, you wondered. You scrunched your face in confusion.

'Why?' You asked.

'Whatever it is hiding from must be really bad if you don't miss it,' Steven sent. You didn't know what to say. You have a feeling you've already said too much. You're texting a boy you just met about your problem, maybe you should go back to bed.

'I'm going back to bed, goodnight Steven,' you sent. You stood from the bar stool you've been sitting on and walked to your bedroom. You set the phone on the nightstand and walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. When you finished, your turned off the light and climbed into bed. Thats when you heard your phone buzz once again.

You rolled over and picked up your phone.

'I'm sorry, Y/n, I crossed a boundary, I shouldn't have tried to get you to talk about your past, I just honestly want to get to know you and possibly be friends?' Steven sent.

'It's okay Steven, I would love to be friends with you,' you replied, smiling again. Dammit, why is he making you so smiley?

'Oohh, so you would LOVE to be my friend?😘' Steven sent playfully. You rolled your eyes, still smiling.

'Goodnight Steven.🙄' you send.

'Goodnight LOVE to be my friend.' Ge replied. You read the text and smiled, finally putting your phone down to go to sleep.

Steven POV

I smiled as I placed my phone down. I may be exhausted, but it was worth it. They kept me wrapped in my phone. My face is still slightly pink from blushing. They said they'd love to be friends with me, love.

In all honesty, I think I've fallen a little too hard. What if I scare them away? They don't even know who i am or what I am. What if when they find out they won't even be around me. I don't know how I'd handle that, it's almost as if they've got some got of magnetic pull on me. I don't know them well, but I want to know everything.

I want to be their person, I want to be the one they rely on, I want to be there's. I want them to be mine.

Obsessed! Future Steven Universe x Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now