Chapter 1-Intro

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I woke up to the sound of mumbling and voices all around Me. I opened my eyes slowly as I was rising to the day. I slap my alarm clock "BANG!" and get out of bed to Start getting ready. All of a sudden I saw something Behind me while I was looking at myself in the Mirror. It was smiling with no eyes and it was an eerie Sight. I quickly turned around and looked but There was nothing. I didn't think much of it and moved on to getting dressed again. Once I was done I heard my Mom "ELIZABETH COME EAT BREAKFAST!" I rushed down The stairs because I was hungry and I did not want to be in my room after what I saw. Once I got down my brother was throwing a tantrum because he didn't want toast "I DON'T WANT ANY TOAST!" "That's all you're getting to eat because I'm not cooking anything else!" said my mom trying not to Explode. " Honey you're still in your nightgown, why didn't you change?" "I just woke up sorry." " Ok, but try waking up earlier next time," Mom said. "I will don't worry." Finally my brother calmed down and ate the toast. I went back to my room trying not to think about the shadow I saw. Once I got in my room I layed on my bed and turned On the TV to watch something. After a while I heard Something straight in my ear that said "We rome everywhere you and Your family does..." I immediately turned my head but just like last Time there was nobody in sight. Now I was starting to get Scared and decided to go on a walk to get it off my mind. Once I get out of my house and start walking I see Blossom and Ruby, my besties. "Oh hey Ruby and Blossom!" I said cheerfully. "Oh hey Dummy!" said Blossom joyfully. "Sooooooo i hear about Some shenanigans going on here." said Ruby kinda In a creepy way while smirking. "Well how bout we make Some changes.'' said Blossom, smirking at ruby. " Sorry guys, I'm not getting into any shenanigans today." "Why not?" " I don't really feel like it. But I can have a sleepover!" " OK SEE YOU AT 6....." They both yelled from a distance away. "I still need to ask my mom-" They were already down the street. It was too late. " I guess my mom will probably be ok with it." I continued walking down the sidewalk of a busy street. I started getting very aware of my surroundings. You never know what could happen. As I walked I started thinking of my old "house". After the walk I went to the library to get books on ghosts, spirts and all that jazz. People would call me a paranormal freak but I ignored them most of the time it depended if my book was in my face. I looked up at the clock and realized that it was 5:30. I needed to get home quickly. I ran home faster than a cheetah running for prey after being starved and got home just in time to bring snacks to my room and turn on my music playlist. I had to run downstairs to tell my mom before they got here. " Mom, blossom and ruby are coming over for a sleepover." " When did I say you could have a sleepover missy?" DING DONG DING DONG..." " Well it doesn't matter now they're here just ask me next time." My mom said, The ringing went on and on until my mom answered it and let them in. " Thanks Miss Smith!" blossom and ruby said simultaneously. They ran up the stairs really fast. You could hear the stomping up the stairs. I even think the house started shaking a little..

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