Chapter 5

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Life is always whispering. It tells all sorts of secrets, and in the wintertime, hushed tones rustle through the wind. It speaks of patience, which is the secret to all of nature. No great thing has ever been created swiftly or at a rushed pace. Life is not always about misty meadows, fragrant blooms wafting in the air, or brightly-colored flowers. Sometimes life calls for grit and perseverance when the world is colorless. Only then can one appreciate the long-awaited spring. Winter is not a season. Instead, it is actually a celebration.

Just like winter celebrates the work unseen to the naked eye, merry-making found its way to Wolf Hall. The wedding of its Lord and Lady was simple, as far as royal ceremonies go. Despite being labeled illegitimate, and having titles stripped away at will, a person would think the King would grant his oldest daughter clemency for a proper wedding of state or, at least, acknowledge it. Most certainly because the girl would marry the Queen's elder brother, but that did not happen. However, it was a private affair with only a handful of people present, no less deserving of honor and commemoration. This recognition started with the new Duchess of Somerset's wedding dress.

Many moons ago, Mary had created a stunning design for herself. The exquisite garment was crafted from a gorgeous shade of dark navy silk organza fabric. Her Highness painstakingly embroidered stitches of golden feathers around the overlay and on the sheer sleeves. It's probably one of her finest creations, and she likened it to a nocturnal garden. The dress gave life to a whole host of ideas that spawned a complete assortment and array of garments. They all had the same evening garden party theme in mind.

When word of the collection spread throughout the kingdom, women sought Lady Winter and bought them in such a frenzy that Mary was beside herself. She had never known this sort of thing to happen before. All the noble ladies were hungering to be draped in the lush, frolicking frocks. It was a clothier and tailoring pandemonium.

With His Majesty's party season approaching, Mary had hoped to be invited to one of the King's many balls and saved the dress for the occasion. As with most things to do with her father, an invitation never appeared, and the anticipated ball never happened, at least for her. So the gown sat in the back of the wardrobe, untouched for over a year.

In an ironic twist, Mary had thought to give dear Miss Trudy the gown days before Cromwell came bearing the marriage message. She felt it fetch an excellent price for the delicate work put into it. And at least some lovely lady would be able to wear the garment where she couldn't. But when the Secretary announced the impending marriage, Mary knew only that dress would do for the ceremony.

So when Dollie had suggested they would scrounge something up, the Princess knew they wouldn't have to do a thing. The only item to acquire would be finding her mother's navy sapphire diamond earrings--- the ones that dangle and are set in gold. Likewise, the sapphire diamond and gold cuff would be a perfect companion piece.

The only problem is remembering which trunk they're packed in. The Princess, Mabel, and Cecily searched every one of them until they finally uncovered the late Queen's jewels. Once Mary's fingers brushed over the stones, memories flooded her thoughts. It seems memory has many moods and often shifts like her father's wives.

Life brings numerous things into a person's journey. Some are good and bad: tears, smiles, hopes, dreams, and multiple memories. Days are forgettable, but moments last forever. The importance of the sapphires outweighs their monetary value. Mary remembers many things about her mother. One was how tall and fancy the woman was, and the other belonged to her heart.

There's something special about the bond between mothers and daughters. The one that united Mary and her mother was remarkable, considering the tribulation it endured. Despite separation and forbidden contact, the two managed to keep their relationship alive. Her mother's letters and love served to get the Princess through very dark times at the hands of Lady Shelton at Hatfield House.

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