Tang's POV

I said,"So 6 ninja's and 1 samuri?" P.I.X.A.L said,"That would be correct." I said,"That's amazing." Kai said,"Yet i was the first to discover Nya was Samurai X." Cole said,"Wait, when did you find out?" Kai said,"Right after the fight we were forced into, she went behind a rock, i followed her without her noticing, i promised her i wouldn't say a word." Jay said,"WHAT!?" Nya laughed a bit, Red Son said,"Samurai X?" Nya said,"Well, Samurai X is two parts, the person who is Samurai X and the Samurai X suit, the suit is of my creation and design, it withstood A LOT over the time i was Samurai X, then continued to withstand a lot when Pix took over being Samurai X after i became a ninja." Pigsy said,"So you all are ninja's?" They all nodded, i said,"Though the book mentioned elemental ninja's." Kai said,"We all have control over an element, we only have elemental powers because we got them through the generations." Red Son said,"Wait, we already figured MK was a descendant of Kai, so wait, if Kai's an elemental Master." MK said,"THAT MEANS I'M ONE TOO!" Sandy said,"Though you already have the same powers as Monkey King." MK looked towards the ninja and said,"What's your elements?" Lloyd said,"Well, mine is energy." A green glow appeared in his hand, Nya said,"My element is Water." Water circled around her hand, Jay said,"Mine is lightning." Lightning sparked on his arms, Zane said,"I am the master of ice." Ice formed on his wrists, Cole said,"My element is earth." Some dust circled around his fists and Kai said,"And i'm the elemental master of fire." He lifted his hand up and a fire appeared in the palm of his hand, they stopped their elements and the elements disappeared like they were an illusion, we were all in shock, Zane said,"Me, Jay, Cole and Kai all master the elements of creation, the same elements the first spinjitsu master used to create the human realm." Kai said,"Don't forget he also used the weapons of spinjitsu." Cole said,"Ya, also Kai, you have the sam variant of fire that the first spinjitsu master used for created the human realm." Mei said,"There's another fire type?" Kai said,"Yeah, Golden Fire." Mei said,"Like i have the Samadhi Fire and Red Boy has demon fire?" Red Son said,"SON! FOR THE LAST TIME IT'S SON!" Mei said,"You never call us our real names." Red Son said,"I- STILL! I'm a royal so THERE." Mei said,"I'm the descendant of the god The Jade Emporer, so that makes me higher than you." Kai said,"Lloyd here is the grandson of the one that created this world." Every stared at Lloyd, Lloyd said,"KAI!" Kai said,"What?" Lloyd said,"Wll you and Nya are Merlopian royals (HEAD CANON! Because of water elemental mastery coming from the Merlopians, only the royals had the power, since Maya had it, being a Merlopian royal and had both Kai and Nya, both are Merlopian royalty)." Kai said,"Touche." I said,"Merlopians?" Nya said,"Pretty much ocean people that looks like octopi, civilians have dull colors while royals have brighter colors, if me and Kai were from civilian merlopians, our eyes would be a duller color, but since mine is bright ocean blue and Kai's is bright ruby red." I said,"You both are royals." Kai nodded, Cole said,"They even have a mer form, though they doesn't fully look like a merlopians." Pigsy said,"What do these Merlopians even look like?" Zane sent a projection of a dull colored octopus person, Zane said,"This is a civilian Merlopian." Another Merlopian projection appeared, but with brighter colors and nicer looking clothing, Zane said,"And this is a royal Merlopian." Both projections disappeared and Pigsy said,"Okay?" MK said,"They actually do look like Octopus's." Red Son said,"Octopi Noodle Boy." MK said,"I knew that."

Red Son's POV

I said,"Then why did you say octopus's." Noodle Boy said,"Just to test you to make sure you knew it." I said,"Keep telling yourself that." Dragon Girl said,"That ain't no way to speak to your boyfriend." Both me and Noodle Boy both shouted,"BOYFRIEND!?" (Here we go!) Mei said,"Yeah, you both obviously like like eachother, but too nervous to tell eachother." Nya said,"Like Kai and Cole." I said,"NYA!" Nya said,"What? Only saying the truth." Zane said,"Indeed she is Kai, there's no denying the truth." Round Glasses said,"A fellow man of wisdom i see." Zane said,"I was programmed like this." I said,"I wish the bull bots would follow their programming like that, but they keep going away from their programming and being idiots." Kai said,"Okay, so how about we talk about what's important at hand, the Serpentine are here and The Overlord is still missing since his release." I said,"I could only think of one place he could be." Nya said,"Where?" I said,"The deep underworld, it's been abandoned for a long time since not even powerful demons like me can access it." Kai said,"Though we may know who may be able to." We all looked at him and Kai said,"Blitz, Wisp, Shard, Rocky, Aquamarine and Plasma." I said,"Who?" Noodle Boy said,"OH! WE SAW THEM!" Dragon girl said,"YEAH! THEY'RE YOUR DRAGONS!" Kai said,"Exactly, so we can go to Impossible Mountain, get our dragon, maybe get a set of weapons while we're there, then head to the deep underworld." Sun Wukong said,"Impossible Mountain?" Noodle Boy said,"GAH!" I just face palmed, Macaque said,"A set of weapons?" Lloyd said,"Yes, Impossible Mountain, yes a set of weapons but they are for us elemental ninja's as the weapons are elemental weapons." Macaque said,"Well then let's get going."

No one's POV

They started on their way to Impossible Mountain, Kai said,"Instead of flying, we're climbing." Monkey King said,"But i could just turn into a bird and fly up." Cole said,"Nope, it's something our sensei did, so we're doing it to you all." They all started the climb, half way there, the Ninja's, Macaque and Red Son were fine while the others were getting worn out, MK said,"How much LONGEEEEERR!" Lloyd said,"We're only half way up." Pigsy said,"WHAT!?" Jay said,"It's called Impossible Mountain for a reason." Red Son said,"This is bad coming from the very people that defeated someone of high power." Kai said,"At least we're not climbing up the way i climbed up." Macaque said,"Which way did you climb up?" Kai said,"The back side of the mountain." MK said,"WHAT!?" Cole said,"Yeah, don't ask me how he was able to climb up, there's literaly a ledge to where he would need to climb UPSIDE DOWN." Mei said,"HE DID WHAT NOW!" Kai said,"Yup, so let's keep climbing." They went the rest of the way up, even Red Son and Macaque was almost out of breath though the Ninja was just fine, Kai said,"You guys can rest here, me and the other ninja's will get the weapons and dragons." The ninja walked inside and went to their rooms, where the golden weapons of spinjitsu were, even two Kai made for water and energy, a trident and a spear, they went to the stables and got the saddles on their dragons, then walked out to meet with the others, Kai said,"Alright, let's head back down." Mei said,"We are able to fly, right?" Nya said,"Yeah, you guys made the climb up, so we can fly back down." Pigsy flew with Cole on Rocky, Tang flew with Lloyd on Plasma, Red Son teleported down, MK, Monkey King and Macaque all turned into birds, Mei used her Jade Dragon self and the ninja flew down on their dragons, Blitz reaching the ground before the other dragons, even Mei. Mei said,"Woah, how fast is Blitz?" Kai said,"Pretty fast." Macaque said,"So, what's with the golden weapons?" Zane said,"These are the weapons of Spinjitsu, two Kai created and 4 the first spinjitsu master created, the four the first spinjitsu master created is the Sword of Fire, which Kai weilds, the Scythe of Quakes, which Cole weilds, the Nunchunks of Lightning, which Jay weilds and the Shirikens of Ice, which i weild, the two Kai created is the Trident of Waves, which Nya weilds and the Spear of Energy, which Lloyd weilds." Kai said,"Anyways, let's get to the deep underworld, so everyone needs to pair up." MK got with Kai on Blitz, Pigsy got with Cole on Rocky, Tang got with Zane on Shard, Mei got with Lloyd on Plasma, Monkey King got with Nya on Aquamarine, Macaque got with Jay on Wisp, Blitz was okay with Red Son also being on me. All six dragons took to the sky, once high enough they spiraled to the ground, then disappeared into the deep underworld.

There we go, next chapter is out, took THREE days to make this due to me not really knowing how it would go, plus Questions are back

Is The Overlord truely in the Deep Underworld?

Which allies will they find in the Deep Underworld?

Where did Garmadon and Wu disappear too? (Before you ask, Misako died from old age)

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