The Theory

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I found my older sisters cat like that, i had to share the picture, though i do have a picture for the next chapter all set and ready, now i just gotta get chapter 5 started

No one's POV

As the group returned to Megapolis, they were greeted with serpentine attacking people and the people running around scared, Kai said,"They must've hid for a bit, c'mon, we gotta stop them. Though for us ninja, we can't show our elements, they may think we're dead." Everyone nodded and went out, letting only MK and Mei use their powers while the ninja's used their skills, Skalidor went after Cole, which cole used an upper punch, which hit him, Skalidor tried tripping Cole with his tail, which Cole jumped up without Skalidor even hitting him, over with Lloyd and Pythor, both were struggling to beat the other, Lloyd kept hitting and dodging, as well with Pythor, with Nya and Acidicus, she dodged the venom, she would use quick and swift attacks, Kai fought Skales, avoiding looking directly at the staff, so he would use the vibrations of the ground to tell him where Skales was, Zane fought Fangtom, as his bites don't affect nindroid, but Zane still avoided being bit, Jay, MK and Mei all the rest of the serpentine while the people cheered them on. The serpentine retreated and the whole group took that as a win, Mei said,"I've seen spider demons, but not snake people." Kai said,"You'd be surprised what all happened to us in our years of being a ninja." Mei said,"What all did you do?" Kai said,"Let's see, we retreived the weapons of spinjitsu, fought a skeleton army, fought a crazed Lord that wanted nothing but power, uh, no offense to your dad Lloyd." Lloyd said,"None taken, the darkness was cleared from his heart." Kai said,"Alright, let's see, we fought the serpentine, fought a giant snake, fought a bunch of different nindroids, fought in a battle of elements which turned out to be a trap so that way Chen could get a bunch of different elemental powers." Cole said,"Not to mention it was Kai who broke the elemental staff." Kai said,"Yup, continuing, we had to fight ghosts, thankfully my little sister was there cause she was something very strong against ghosts, then we had to fight a djinn, which is kinda like a genie, but not, then we had to fight the masters of time, a cult called The Sons of Garmadon including someone else just after power, had to fight Oni's and protect dragons from dragon hunters, then fighting the Oni LEADER, then we had to fight a snake that took my elemental power but i got it back from her, then we got sucked into a video game, then we had to fight the ruler of the most powerful city called Shintaro, on top of that we had to fight merlopians which me and Nya are part merlopians since we have a merlopian heritage, then finally we finished off the overlord but then fought him yet AGAIN and that's when we got sealed away." Both MK and Mei were dead silent, Mei said,"WHAT!?" Nya said,"So what all did you two do?" MK said,"Well, i obtained the Monkey King's staff and became his successor, fought the Demon Bull Family multiple times, even allied with Red Son before, well, before the whole LBD thing, that's when we went under a full allience, fought a spider army, then fought a crazed woman who wanted to make DeStInY happen by destroying the universe, then remaking it so people would follow her, then we had to fight someone that was fuzing with other people but we won in the end." Mei said,"Though that's all in four MONTHS." Jay said,"We did all that in 15 years, though we had to mix that in with our training, patrol times, small crime fighting, basicly we didn't get much time to ourselves." MK said,"Yikes." Kai said,"How about instead of talking out here in the open, why not go somewhere more private." Mei said,"We can head too the noodle shop, there's some others there that your friends have yet to meet." Kai said,"Friends and little sister, me and Nya are siblings." Nya said,"You just have to keep remining people who's younger." Kai said,"Yup." Mei said,"Well let's get going to Pigsy's Noodles." They all got into the vehicles and drove over, Kai, MK and Mei went in first to let them know about Kai's friends and little sister, though he never mentioned Cole was his boyfriend, Pigsy said,"There you all are, where were you?" Kai said,"Well, we fought some serpentine and i might've brought some people over." Pigsy got confused and Kai said,"I'll go get them." He walked back out and soon came back in with P.I.X.A.L, Zane, Nya, Jay, Lloyd and Cole, Red son said,"Who are they?" Kai said,"That's P.I.X.A.L, a nindroid, that's Zane Julien, the first nindroid on our team, that's Jay Walker, Lloyd Garmadon, Cole Brookstone and my little sister Nya." Tang said,"It's nice to meet you all, i'm Tang, that's Pigsy, Sandy and Red Son." Jay said,"If you don't mind me asking, why is your name Red Son? No offense." Red Son said,"Demon's are commonly named on what they are." Mei said,"Like his mothers and fathers names, Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, then there's Yin and Jin who's names mean Silver and Gold (No joke, search up on what the names Yin & Jin mean in China)." Jay said,"Alright." Pigsy said,"So, i'm guessing you six are the other ninja?" P.I.X.A.L said,"I am not a ninja, i am Samuri X, when Nya became a ninja, i took her role as Samuri X."

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