The discovery and the release

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No one's POVAs Macaque was just chilling in an alley way, he noticed an open man hole but it didn't have it's usual stink, which confused Macaque, so he walked over and peaked in, he was shocked at what he saw, an entire city. He shadow warped onto the ground and looked around trying too see anything that could tell him the city name. He walked around and the entire place was a ghost town, no surprise though, another city was built on top of it, but how was this city never seen? Surely he or Sun Wukong would've remembered this place, or this place could've fallen before himself and Sun Wukong knew about it.

Macaque's POV
I walked around and saw a lot of stuff in this city looks preserved, i saw a partly ripped flier hanging on a wall, so i ripped it off and it read,"Annual Ninjago parade, Ninjago Central April 25 2022 6:45 PM." 2022!? THAT WAS OVER A MILLION YEARS AGO! I set the flier back down and continued to walk around, i eventually found a statue in what seemed to be the center, the statue had vines growing on it, as the other parts of the city, but you could still see it clearly, it features six people, all in a ninja outfit, i saw some writing and it read,"The heros of Ninjago, made the biggest sacrifice for the city, may be gone but never forgotten." A biggest sacrifice, no way it's as big of sacrifices made to stop LBD. I continued walking around, this city still looked nice, i then saw a big building that said,"Borg Industries, finding new discoveries on technology." Hm, i entered the building and started to look around, though i couldn't shake the feeling i was being watched. I shrugged it off and continued looking around, i soon seemed to reach the main office, man this place is nice, except for all the vegetation growing around. I left the building and the feeling of being watched stopped, maybe i had that feeling because of all those security camera's, though they all seemed to be down. I continued to move through the city, honestly i could be down here when i don't want the kid, Mei or Sun Wukong bothering me, i could even show Red Son down here since i know the kid and Mei tends to bother him a lot. I soon saw a library, maybe there's some books in there not even i've seen, i walked into the library and the books looked to be in almost perfect condition. I moved through the sections and then saw a history section, so i went down that one and grabbed a random book, i opened it and used my tail to "sit" while being next to where the book was. I read through the book and it mentioned this Overlord, ehhh, then it went to a martial arts move called Spinjitsu but never said how you learn it, it even mentioned a ninja team with elemental powers but yet never mentioned the elements. I continued looking through the book and putting them back when i was done. Once i finished readon 10 history books, i looked at the phone Mei gave me for contacting them and saw how late it was, so i shadow warped to my house. I climbed into bed, got comfy and eventually fell asleep.

No one's POVAs the fallen city of Ninjago was silent, two demons entered it, these two were Yin and Jin, the silver and gold demons, both chose to follow The Lady Bone demon, but because of her defeat, she left behind the key to unlocking her father. But the one to free him MUST be a descendant of one of the ones that sealed him away. Of course, with them being their dumb selves, though MK was a descendant, but they were right. So they had captured Pigsy as he was closing shop. He still struggled against the restraints, keeping his eyes screwed shut so he didn't even noticed where they were. When Pigsy felt them stop dragging him, he opened his eyes and saw the fallen city, but also a seal in a cliff in the building, the seal consisted of 7 symbols, 6 were gold while 1 was purple and looks made of crystals. He struggled more against the restraints as a blackish purple smoke came from the seal, but couldn't get far. Yin, the blue/silver twin, said,"Oh don't worry, you won't be hurt, we just need you as bait." That got Pigsy confused, after a few hours MK came down with Mei and Red Son, as the demon bull family made a truce with the MK and his group. MK said,"Let go of Pigsy, Yin and Jin." Jin said,"You gotta shoot us first." MK said,"Easy enough." He was about to fire a golden blast but Red Son stopped him, which confused MK and Mei, Red Son whispered,"Don't you find it odd that they WANT you too shoot them, i think they want you to hit that symbol, so avoid hitting it." MK nodded and did a trick shot, like shooting in one direction, having it reflect off a building and hit the twins. Mei grabbed Pigsy and ran back over, Red Son burned through the ropes without burning Pigsy. Yin and Jin started shouting insults, but then Jin, the orange/gold twin, said,"MONKEY KING WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS LBD! YOUR FRIENDS SUCK! YOU ARE NOTHING!" What pushed MK over the egde was Jin insulting his friends, he blasted towards Jin who jumped out of the way and hit the symbol in the center. It started to glow purple and the surrounding symbols glowed gold with the tints of red, electric blue, ocean blue, black, white and green. The seal desolved but nothing came from it, Yin and Jin shouted,"WHAT!?" Jin shouted,"BUT THAT SHOULD'VE!" Red Son said,"Should've what?" Both fell silent as the blackish purple fog came from it, it flooded out, it knocked MK, Mei, Red Son and Pigsy back, but engolfed Yin and Jin, with the smoke clear, both Yin and Jin had glowing purple crystals on them with black markings on their skin. Red Son said,"What in the name of the Underworld?" Mei said,"What just happened?" MK said,"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." Yin and Jin's eyes gave off a purple mist. Macaque entered the fallen city, unexpecting to see others there, main didn't expect Yin and Jin to have an appearance change. More smoke came from the room behind the seal and a person that was fully black, had four arms, 2 horns, wings, a tail, purple markings with glowing purple eyes, he said,"Well done you two." Yin and Jin both smirked evilly, the entity, or better known as, The Overlord said,"Now, who hit the seal?" Yin said,"The Monkie Kid, red bandana." The Overlord looked at MK, he was about to strike but Macaque shadow warped them all away. When The Overlord saw that, he wasn't too happy, Jin said,"THEY'RE GONE!" The Overlord said,"Doesn't matter, we still have the only ones that can redo the seal." Some smoke came from The Overlord and reached into the cave, there he pulled out the five of the six ninja's, who were still unconscious from being sealed away for a million years, Kai was left in the cave, still unconscious with the wounds he obtained during the final battle, which were still not healed, as if time froze while being sealed away, which was why he was left behind, The Overlord thought he would not be able to move. The Overlord looked at Yin and Jin, he said,"We best be leaving, if we stay in once place we'll be sitting ducks." With that, they left.Extra AU: So Kai weilds a fire stronger than the Samadhi fire, that would be the Golden fire, able to destroy or create the universe, the Samadhi fire doesn't have creation properties. The reason Golden fire has creation properties was because The First Spinjitsu master used golden variations of the elements of creation to create the world, the elements of creation are just weaker version of the golden variant, even after generations, no fire master had the golden fire, except Kai, he unlocked it after saving the entire team from a forest fire they were trapped in. That even shocked Sensei Wu. Now, back to the story, sorry for the interuption.

We were shadow warped and i saw Macaque, i said,"Macaque? Why'd you save us?" Macaque said,"I know who that is, but not from my own knowledge." He grabbed a book and opened it to a specific page, i then saw the same person we just saw, Red Son grabbed the book and read,"The Overlord, the most dangerous enemy Ninjago had ever faced, even the heros had problems defeating him, but the green ninja went gold and summoned a golden dragon to defeat him. The Overlord is the creator of a crystal infection, making people follow under him, he had almost infected the entire ninjago, but the heros freed the people and lead them to freedom. The final battle happened 20 years after The Overlords first fight against the ninja, the ninja had to seal themselves away with The Overlord so their magic would keep the seal in place." I said,"Woah." Red Son said,"That's not it." He continued reading,"The ninja did not leave without leaving and heir though, those heirs would gain their powers and be trained by the Sensei's that trained them, Wu, Misako and Garmadon. Those three disappeared a hundred years after the final battle and never resurfaced. Though that didn't stop the descendants from passing on their knowledge to their children. The only way tp open the seal if if a descendant of at least one of the ninja hits the seal with a blast of magic." He fell silent, then Red Son said,"Noodle Boy, you hit the seal, which broke it, you're a descendant of one of the ninja's." I said,"WHAT!?" Macaque said,"Well, if the ninja's was sealed away with The Overlord, they should still be alive, though that could mean The Overlord has them." Red Son said,"Wait, there's a bit more written in ancient japanese, thank you mother for making me learn that." He paused for a bit before reading,"Each ninja left something to their descendants, electric blue with a lightning pendant, ocean blue with a golden bracelet with a red gem in the middle, ice with a robot falcon, green with a golden dragon chocker, black with a earth lion pin and red with a red bandana with Smith written in golden thread." I took off my bandana and sure enough it had Smith written on it in golden thread. I put it back on and said,"Maybe we could check the cave, hopefully at least one of the ninja was left behind." Macaque said,"Maybe, but we'll need some more help, mainly with an enemy that strong. We could get Sun Wukong, Nez ha, Tang and some others." We all agreed and gathered everyone, we entered the city and it surprises me how not once was this place ever mentioned. We went back to where the seal was, i said,"So, who's going in?" Everyone looked at me, i said,"Figures." I walked up to the cave and slowly entered, i made a golden glow appeared in my palm illuminating the cave, which went really far back. I went down the cave and it opened into a large cavern, i walked around but then tripped over something, i looked and it was SOMEONE, the red ninja. I had the golden glowing orb float while i pick up the red ninja, i put them on my back and walked through the cave, heading towards the exit. I made it out and Pigsy said,"Holy frick, one of them was actually left behind." Nez ha said,"But extremely wounded." Nez ha grabbed the red ninja from my back and Monkey King said,"I can use a healing spell." Nez ha said,"That'll be smart as we may not have the time to patch him up ourselves." Nez ha laid the red ninja down and Monkey King used a healing spell, once he finished, he summoned his cloud, Macaque said,"It may be a bit before they wake up, sealed away for a million years, not even LBD was sealed away for that long and it still took her a bit to wake up." I said,"Well, where exactly are we going, if we go to megapolis, that could make it easier for The Overlord to find us." Pigsy said,"You live just above the shop on the far side of town and the shop is quite small, easy to miss, so we could be safe there." I said,"Then let's get going." I picked the red ninja up again and Macaque shadow warped us to my apartment, Red Son cringed, he said,"I forgot how messy your apartment is." I laughed nervously and laid the red ninja on the couch, even Macaque cringed, he said,"This place is worse than Sun Wukong's." Monkey King said,"HEY!" Tang said,"So the plan is to lay low until the red ninja wakes up and is ready to fight?" Red Son said,"Now hold it large glasses, the history book might've said they defeated The Overlord, but that wasn't a single person feat, they had a team, like Noodle Boy freeing my father from LBD's control was not a single person feat, both me and mother had to help him." Tang said,"Oh." Red Son said,"Plus we don'tknow what their powers are exactly, the book only said elemental ninja's, never said the elements." Tang said,"Wait, a BOOK?" His eyes gained sparkles in his eyes, Macaque seemed to smirk, guess he's planning on messing with Tang, he said,"Yeah, there's an entire library down there with hundreds of history books, i only read 10 within a full day." Tang's eyes lit up even more, Nez ha said,"Of course you would tease him." I said,"Looks, let's just wait for the red ninja to wake up to learn more about this, for now we can only share the information we know." Macaque teleported the book in and the information was shared, even the fact i could be a descendant of the red ninja.

Question:Who was watching Macaque?Why was the cave to long and leading to a cavern?If there was only six in the cave, where's P.I.X.A.L?Answer these in the comments and you'll get a shout out in the next chapter if you got it right

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